My uncle Gus (my mom's brother) was found dead. He was a drug addict and had diabetes and was an alcoholic, so there was a whole cocktail of ways he could have died. They think he overdosed on something, but he might have forgotten to take insulin or something. I don't know what to feel, but I don't feel much of anything. Well, I feel a little sympathy for him, I feel more sympathy for my mom because she's sad, but what the hell, it isn't like he was murderered or something, he either forgot to take his $$$$ing shots for his diabetes or he shot up on heroin and then passed out and died.

The thing that makes all of this worse is that my mom's mom is also going to die soon, she's 79 and doesn't have much time left, and all of this is happening after my mom and I got into a big fight and we threw chairs and $$$$.

i'm going to go play quake2