Originally posted by mart_man00
no that means the f a g crowd around here wont answer anything so why bother.
So far, the"f a g crowd" (and I'm assuming you're including me in there, since I think you're a complete imbecile) has been more than able to deal with your crap.
Originally posted by mart_man00
your asked a question you answer with "stupid blah blah", ever wonder why you guys are on the losing side?

the left hurts the left more than the right could ever do.
Yeah. You're really winning this "debate". As for the left hurting itself, sure it does. Remember, though, you guys still have Michael Savage and Bill O'Reilly, so I think it's pretty even.
Originally posted by mart_man00
my "majority rules, so far its for the best" part, straight is normal, normal is good. not normal when its also annoying is bad. easy concepts guys. (bonus points, not normal can also mean not american in some cases).
Being gay is unamerican? What ........ing planet are you from?

It still makes me laugh that you think you're winning this in any way, shape, or form.