Originally posted by Fordy
--a quote about previous convictions..

He could have only received a year in prison for beating his wife,
but he got life for spitting on a police officer? That makes no
sense at all. So, a police officer's dignity (because I don't believe
the "possibility of transmitting a deadly disease" reason) is more
important than a woman's health? These stupid police officers
actually believe they deserve unconditional respect. They don't.

It's Oklahoma, and this is so typical of them. I doubt the fact that
the guy's last name is "Marquez" didn't have anything to do with
the life sentence.

Spitting is gross, but life in prison over it? Besides, it's just spit.
There are so many other more disgusting bodily fluids that a man
can place on someone... I can think of at least three.

I'm not defending the guy, I'm just mad that the justice system
even allows this kind of sentence to be placed on somebody for
something so small, and such a lite sentence for something like
beating your wife.