This movie is the coolest movie to come out all year. It's soo frickin'
funny. I recommend it to everybody.

I saw it by myself today. Some little girl was staring at me...

Hehe, there's this part (spoiler ahead) where one of the characters
"speaks whale." Jeez, it's one of the funniest things I have ever
seen. Oh, for those of you who share my fear of being swallowed
alive by a whale, there are scenes that may be a little intense
for you.

I love animation so much. I'm sooo looking forward to Sinbad. I've
seen the trailer on television, and it looked alright, but seeing
the trailer on the big scree -- wow. It looks to be both CGI and

I never got to see "Treasure Planet." I'll buy the DVD soon.

Ooh, there's another Pixar movie coming out in November, it's
called "The Incredibles." Can't wait.