Thread: Chemtrails?

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  1. #1


    I was reading some websites, and I read something about Chemtrails. Chemtrails are supposively these clouds of gas that the U.S. government sprays out of planes that releases toxic gases into the air. These gases are supposed to make our immune systems weaker, so that the government can control our population. Some think the government can even change weather by these things.

    I know the government does a lot of secret stuff that are cruel and immoral, but going to these measures? I don't believe it. But I don't know what could these planes be spraying? I saw some pictures, and it looks really fishy. These aren't crop dusters or anything of the sort, because they've actually sprayed above major cities like New York. Some are even government planes (I saw some pictures of USAF and Navy aircraft).

    What do you think of this? What do you think these planes are actually spraying, and why?

  2. #2
    pronounced 'fib' FillYourBrain's Avatar
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    this couldn't be more stupid.

    periodically in many areas there is a mosquito control need. This happened in my area and we were notified a few days in advance. This is likely what you're referring to.
    "You are stupid! You are stupid! Oh, and don't forget, you are STUPID!" - Dexter

  3. #3
    I hope you weren't referring to me as being stupid, because if you paid attention to my post I said I didn't believe it.

  4. #4
    pronounced 'fib' FillYourBrain's Avatar
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    Originally posted by FillYourBrain
    this couldn't be more stupid.
    This person? This poster? OOOOhhhh This TOPIC!!!
    "You are stupid! You are stupid! Oh, and don't forget, you are STUPID!" - Dexter

  5. #5
    ¡Amo fútbol!
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    Or, the pic could have been editted.

  6. #6
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    I know the government does a lot of secret stuff that are cruel and immoral
    name one.

  7. #7
    Back after 2 years Panopticon's Avatar
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    But then think about it... what have the government got to gain from killing off their own people?
    I AM WINNER!!!1!111oneoneomne

  8. #8
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    Originally posted by Panopticon
    But then think about it... what have the government got to gain from killing off their own people?
    kill off all the weak...leaving the nation with strong population to become soldiers if a future war was supposed to happen
    oh i'm sorry! i didn;t realize my fist was rushing to meet ur face!

    MSN :: [email protected] []*[]

  9. #9
    Pursuing knowledge confuted's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mart_man00
    name one.
    I can do that. (warning, this post contains information that may deeply bother people with any regard for humanity)

    New York Times, 8/31/1997
    Atomic Guinea Pigs
    For decades, those who claimed to be victims of clandestine radiation experiments conducted by the United States Government were dismissed as paranoid. At the Department of Energy, which oversees America's nuclear-weapons research, these people were referred to collectively as "the Crazies." But the opening of cold-war archives has brought the Crazies in from the fringe.

    As documents declassified since 1994 show, dozens of Government-sanctioned radiation experiments were conducted between 1944 and 1974 on unwitting or ill-informed military personnel, patients, children, pregnant women and prisoners, serveral of who appear on the following pages. To avoid scandal and legal liability, the Atomic Energy Commision declared certain experiments top secret.

    Such cold-war secrecy explains why it took until last month to reveal that A-bomb tests from 1951 to 1962 exposed millions more children to fallout - and an increased risk of thyroid cancer - than the Government had once reported.


    Hazardous Oatmeal. In the 1950's, Frederick Boyce was one of about 24 boys at the Fernald School in suburban Boston who were fed radioactive oatmeal as part of a nutrition study. The experiment, financed by the A.E.C. and the National Institutes of Health, was designed to show how the body absorbs various minerals. Wards of the state, the Fernald boys were enticed to participate by the prospect of joining a "Science Club."
    That's a six page article, and I don't even have all of it, and I'm not prepared to type what I do have. I would love to post a link to it here, but I couldn't find a copy of the text available online - if anyone else can, please post a link. Anyway, it goes on to detail various nuclear tests on people who were not informed or deliberately lied to. One inmate was told "it would be like having a few chest X-rays, and if we cooperated, we might have our sentences reduced." He got 20,000 X-rays to the testicles and a vasectomy - in violation of the Nuremberg Code. Soldiers were sent on to ships near the Bikini Atoll (another fiine example of government deception - those people were told they would be able to go back) after nukes had been exploded nearby as "part of an experiment to find out, in the words of one doocument, "how much radiation can a man take?" "

    So, there it is. I'm sure, positive in fact, that there are other examples; however, there may not be any which are as scary.

  10. #10
    Pursuing knowledge confuted's Avatar
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    Sorry about any typos in the last message, I typed the article while looking at a printed copy, and not the screen.

    Here's the abstract and first paragraph as given at the NY Times website, although the full thing isn't available.

    Magazine Desk | August 31, 1997, Sunday
    Atomic Guinea Pigs

    By Michael D'Antonio (NYT) 1478 words
    Late Edition - Final , Section 6 , Page 38 , Column 1
    ABSTRACT - Michael D'Antonio article on dozens of Government-sanctioned radiation experiments that were conducted between 1944 and 1974 on unwitting or ill-informed military personnel, patients, children, pregnant women and prisoners; Atomic Energy Commission, to avoid scandal and legal liability, declared certain experiments top secret; cold-war secrecy explains why it took until last month to reveal that A-bomb tests from 1951 to 1962 exposed millions of children to fallout--and increased risk of thyroid cancer--than Govt had once reported; these studies, designed to determine effects of radiation on human beings, were in many cases conducted not just in name of science but also in preparation for nuclear war; in 1993, Energy Sec Hazel O'Leary broke with her predecessorss arranging to declassify all related documents and urging compensation; profiles of some victims of tests; photos (L) For decades, those who claimed to be victims of clandestine radia-tion experiments conducted by the United States Gov-ernment were dismissed as paranoid. At the Department of Energy, which oversees America's nuclear-weapons research, these people were referred to collectively as ''the Crazies.'' But the opening of cold-war archives has brought the Crazies in from the fringe.

    As documents declassified since 1994 show, dozens of Government-sanctioned radiation experiments were conducted between 1944 and 1974 on unwitting or ill-informed military personnel, patients, children, pregnant women and prisoners, several of whom appear on the following pages. To avoid scandal and legal liability, the Atomic Energy Commision declared certain experiments top secret.

  11. #11
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    hmm...children, you cant have anything anti-us with out a couple dozen of them, there was probally alot of minorities in there to.

    that "news" sound like news from that one guy(i forgot what exactly he is, besides a discrace). they guy that said bush secretly want to break from the geneva convention and basicly take over the world.

    you could argue about some atomic testing(at least you did find something, i have to give you that. alot better than most) was "cruel and immoral".

    if it was prisoners(and not people with 1 to many speeding tickets), i really dont care either way. regular people or the military is another matter.

    im sure some private homes were hit with some amount of radiation. i read that some of the people did cross the line in the sand so they gave them self radiation poising, but im sure some where minding their own bussiness(maybe even most, we will never know).

    either way the goal of it wasnt to kill our own people. take tear gas(or its knock-offs), its used in basic training. medical testing is even done on humans, after it has been proven safe. for awhile we knew crap. the real question is weather we knew what we were doing.

    while we have made our mistakes in the past, atleast they were in the past. atleast there not normal and atleast it was always better than the rest.

    the last one was a flame, but it was crap to begin with, i wonder what will come of this.......

  12. #12
    Pursuing knowledge confuted's Avatar
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    Yeah, we've made our mistakes in the past. We've run tests on unknowing, unwilling people in order to determine the effects of radiation on them. I'm sure if offered an incentive, they could have found plenty of volunteers.

    As stated in the abstract, the author of the article was Michael D'Antonio.

    However, think about the other times the government has violated the rights of US citizens. One that comes to mind is the Japanese Internment camps. Another, I suppose, would be the McCarthy trials. I'm positive that there are tons of others, but I'm not good enough with my American history to name them at the moment...maybe with some thought. I could throw out European history stuff like crazy, but that's not relevant...maybe someone could help me out with some American things.

    Anyway, what I'm trying to say here is - now we know what they were doing in the 1950s. They were testing nukes on people, because they could. It took 40 or 50 years for this stuff to be disclassified - and the really secret stuff is probably still that way. If they were doing this stuff then, what might they be doing now? I'm sure the government hasn't become completely transparent and upfront with its citizens since these tests... what reason do we have to believe that they aren't doing things to us? Not to sound like an environmentalist, but what if there are more than just growth hormones in the cows? Or what if the growth hormones are a test? Or any of nearly infinite things that we eat or do each day, that wasn't happening 20 years ago?

  13. #13
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    One that comes to mind is the Japanese Internment camps.
    this i would like to hear, what did we do to them? what would you of prefered? i havnt really heard alot about it. it does sound a little overboard, but it was like they were beaten daily, just moved. since its america, im sure they were paid after too(that doesnt make it all right all they time but i doubt it was that bad).

    mccarthyism was a witch hunt but atleast people were doing something, i wish we did that with clinton instead of bush.

    what are you really expecting to find out? we have et? we were helping hitler the whole time? most of the stuff is just crap.

    its good that people question things, but its been getting out of hand for years.

  14. #14
    Pursuing knowledge confuted's Avatar
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    With the Japanese Internment Camps, all or most people of Japanese ancestry in this country were sent to camps with other Japanese. It wasn't just recent immigrants, or even first generation Japanese who had only been in the country for one generation, but second, and possibly third (not sure) generation Japanese were sent to the camps as well. It started right after Pearl Harbor. There was extreme discrimination against Japanese people by the general population, which in part, was due to Pearl Harbor, but it went overboard. Japanese homes had windows broken and were spraypainted with racial slurs in many regions, Japanese businesses destroyed, etc. I guess you could call it America's Krystalnacht. Anyway, the government sent all these people to camps. I suppose the camps weren't hell-holes like Auschwitz, but they definitely weren't nice either - quite sub-par. They were forced to abandon their homes, their property, their jobs, their businesses, their lives. This was done to thousands of people - not just a few prime suspects. The people were not given a trial or their rights, even when their families had been legal citizens of the country for years. After several years (5?) they were finally allowed to leave, since the war was over... but they went back to their houses, and found them vandalized or destroyed, or occupied by others. No measures had been taken to protect their posessions, and there were still strong anti-Japanese sentiments throughout the country similar to the anti-semitism that plagued Germany before the war. Those that were lucky enough to still own things were discriminated against like mad... Anyway, you were somewhat correct about them being paid, but not entirely. I'm not sure that the people who went through the experience ever actually got anything, but within the last 10 years, the government has paid out lump sum payments (a few hundred thousand, I think) to descendants of interred Japanese... which, to me, doesn't make sense, because the people getting the money weren't the ones wronged, and if they were the ones who were wronged, what they were paid was insignificant compared to what they would have lost - several years and everything they owned. However, I guess the matter is now officially "settled" because of the payments, although it still occassionally gets mentioned (usually by a democrat looking to get support for something).

  15. #15
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    America's Krystalnacht
    lol, nice way of putting it(no joke intened).

    you cant blame the gov because of what the people thing. i cant blame them, its like us after 911. of course were worried more about the middle east. id like to see imigration stop it like im sure they did back then.

    the camps were alittle extreme, but what other options did they have? it doesnt make it completly right, but do you think there was enough jails for them all? deporting them would of been better.

    but going back so many generations does seem wrong(unless they proved they didnt assimilated, then i could see people thinking of them as a threat since they werent really americans).

    reparations wwas the word i couldnt come up with. i didnt know we were that late. but that not really cruel or immoral, just a really bad way of going about something.

    although it still occassionally gets mentioned (usually by a democrat looking to get support for something).

    since this could easily turn in to us-bashing im surprised more people havent gotten involved. first all the techies are pinkos, then theres no one around. im not complaining but im wonder why now.

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