Originally posted by AProg
>It looks like you think people here are a bucnch of idiots who d ont know anything no offence meant..

Why do you say that? If i disagree with someone then that doesn't meen that i think he is an idiot or whatever.

>So there is no poiin in telling we dont know that simple thing..

I don't say such a think. I just disagree man! We are having a conservation and i don't agree with something... What's the big deal? I didn't say anything against you

i still belive that there are ways to pass a virus in that ways..

Ok sorry if you took that in the hard way.. What er are trying to tell you that there is no way a viruc can infect your comp by just visiting an HTML page...

I dont want to argue anything more than this.. Still if you disagee it is fine.... You have a right to opinion..