I'm thinking about buying Ruben's CD next week. Not because of
the music, because the music blows. But because that 20 years
from now it'll be worth something on ebay. I hope Ruben and Kelly
understand that the CDs they put out will never be be anything
more than TV memorabilia; you know, kind of like an I Love Lucy
lunch box or something.

Am I the only person that's bothered by how pop-stars get credit
for songs that they don't write? Saying that Clarkson is responsible
for A Moment Like This because she sings it, is like saying I'm
responsible for Lord of the Flies because I read it. Personally,
I don't think that pop-stars should receive any royalties (or awards)
that come from the albums they sing on.

Okay, so technically I didn't read LotF. I checked it out on tape
from the library. But I listened to it! Well, the first tape anyway.

I'm pretentious. I write the same things over and over again
because I'm not witty or clever enough to come up with anything
original. I'm an un-american, self-centered troll that writes "retardedly
long" posts...

All that being acknowledged (if anybody has anything else they'd
like to contribute, go ahead. I suggest also calling me narcissistic),
I'm going to quote myself anyway. I will continue to reuse this
quote at every American Idol finale until the show is cancelled. I
don't care, either. It's a very insightful comment made by a very
insightful person (ethic).

These people aren't going to become "American Idols." When
Kelly Clarkson's single sold 300,000 copies in its first week --
people considered that a success. But when you consider that
20,000,000 people saw her win the competition, and 19,700,000
people obviously didn't like her enough to spend the $1.99 for
her single -- I think that's more a sign of failure than success.