if u want to see the .exe file i can send it to you (althought u may need to download the complier to view it) u will see just how much work there it that i will have to do.
The compiler won't let you "view" the code. De-compiling is a bit like un-scrambling an egg. You can get a de-compiler, but it won't reproduce the original source. It's almost always easier to start-over, than to try and decypher de-compiled code!

In your case, the exe file is a demonstration/example of what your program is supposed to do.

functions are fairly new to me
Yep, you're a beginner... And graphics is an advanced topic.

buttons (so that when u choose the relevent button they seem to depres), radio buttons/check boxes and drop down lists?
This is windows / GUI stuff. It's going to take at least several months of study before you're ready to tackle windows programs. Windows programs are shockingly more complex than console programs! Here are some links to windows tutorials, etc.

FYI - ANSI/ISO standard (portable) C++ does not include any graphics. Graphical programs have to be written for a particular platform/compiler... although there are cross-platform tools.