I became rather chocked when I was reading statistics for average height of Swedish conscripts between the years of 1962 and 2000. Year 2000, their average height only measured 179.9 centimeters (5"10.2)!

I myself am also Swedish, I'm 15 years old and 193 centimeters tall (6"4), and due to a height predictor which can be found here; http://my.webmd.com/medical_informat.../heightpredict , my grown up height will be 201 centimeters (6"7). My father is also 193 centimeters tall, and my mother is 180 centimeters tall. Most of my friends of the same age as me are above 180 centimeters tall.

I figure I have a hard time believing that these statistics are correct; even my mother would be as tall as the average 18 years old Swedish male!

So I'm wondering, where are all the short people? How tall are you and the people around you? (If you are not fully grown, you could use that height predictor too). Have you, or anyone you know, ever experienced complex due to your/his/her height?