Note: this is not going to be pg-13, close the thread or delete it if you want but I need to write this out and post it somewhere...

May god **** the guidance department of my school to the seventh fiery circle of hell. I don't $$$$ing believe it my guidance department just cost me almost $30K. Ok here’s the deal, for some unknown $$$$ing reason my school won't send student transcripts to the University of Virginia, or Virginia Tech (and those are both in state where about 90% of the students from my school apply). But they don't tell anyone they don't, and they had every opportunity to. When I saw my counselor to have them send my letters of recommendation and resume and other things they saw that I was applying there and didn't say anything. Instead, some other student had to tell me this. So by the time I got my report card copied and sent to them it was 15-20 days later than when they requested it. Now I got into the other two schools I applied, Rose-Hulman and Case Western. These schools are ranked as the number 1 undergraduate only engineering school and a top 30 school of those offering doctorate degrees respectively. I could understand not getting into UVA I was on the border there but not getting into Virginia Tech is outrageous. Virginia tech is like a top 75 school, considering where else I got in the idea that I didn't because of some other reason is laughable. So now, it looks like I will be forced into paying over $30K a year in tuition. Can anyone else say lawsuit.

On a side note: any opinion on where I should go Rose-Hulman or Case Western.

My wrath will be felt; the school board will tremble at the sound of my name. MUWHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Man am I ........ed

edit: cooled down and made it closer to pg-13