the difference between programmers and enginneers is that... well... engineers are cool... haha *dodges nuclear missiles*... and gov't, i have a feeling i'll be asking you among others guidance about the path in front of me...

let's see, i've always connotated enginneers with building and designing devices and concrete doodads (circuits, aircrafts, chemicals, gears, and concrete blocks on the sidewalk as well as where to put them), where as programmers also have an element of design but theirs is software (don't know much about this, contrary to popular believe, something so apparently deterministic and monotonous *dodges missiles* does not appeal to me... i'd rather be tinkering with things)...

for me, choosing engineering over CS was simple... i merely searched google for engineering jokes, and felt that i more closely would rather be made steriotyped into that than a programmer, haha. no no um, let's see, well yeah the above pretty much summed it up. furthermore, what an enginneer learns in the curriculum can be applied indefinately, whereas software is going to change as it always does. the languages you use will change, E&M and logic gates however, do not!