That is the worst documentation I've ever seen!!! It is incorrect and imcomplete. Notice the "GOSUB 550" in the test program - there is no line 550!!
You could never get A/D to work with that kind of documentation.

From you questions:
1) Yep, that's a "typing error". This is how they sample and convert.

2) "(C/16 - INT (C/16)) * 16" is just taking the lower nibble (4 bits) of C. This is because it's a 12bit A/D (4 bits in the hight byte and 8 bits in the low byte)

3) Well, I found the German version of the documentation!!! And it has Pascal and C source! I've attached the documentation I found. It looks like this documentation had several "typing error's" as well, but I combined all the info together to come up with something that hopefully is correct.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <dos.h>

//convenient types
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef unsigned char  BYTE;

//Port# card if configured for
const WORD PORT = 0x278;

//Millisecond delay to use during conversion...
//this was used in the Pascal version of the code, I would reduce this # until 
//it stops working correctly
const WORD MS_DELAY = 100;

//Function to perform A/D conversion on given channel (0-15)
WORD ad(BYTE channel);

int main()
    for (BYTE n = 0; n < 16; n++)
        cout << "A/D on channel " << n << " is " << ad(n) << endl;

    return 0;

WORD ad(BYTE channel)
    //check parameter
    if (channel > 15)
        channel = 15;

    //select channel

    //clear register

    //perform sampling/conversion
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)

    //return lower 12bits of result
    return inport(PORT+1) & 0x0FFF;