>are the detainees at x-ray even POW's?


>All I can find on Google is unconfirmed.

I told you watch the $$$$ing television, they didn't embed the reporters for nothing mmmk, there stranglely is nothing up to date on the net about the war.

>You say it is fact but refuse to back it up with data.

since when is it a requiremen for facts to have a LINK?
i told you a thousand freaking times how to verify my information, if your unwilling to understand or cooperate then i cant help you.

I have seen the footage from the net. In war people get shot, some even get shot in the head.

yeah, it was all just an accident yeah,... yeah, and your Iraq's information minister... oh $$$$ wait.

>Remember the Kuwaiti propaganda before the last Gulf war?

different war, different times, i doubt you'll hear such thing this time.

>Again please post a link to any confirmed report.

see the relevant above answer...

>Until then I will not follow you in jumping to conclusions.

wtf? they not jumped to nor are they my conclusions. Just because your not capable of adding 1 + 1( it equals 2 btw), aint my fault.

this is why i can't stand to argue with you, you dont listen to any freaking thing is say.

Are we done here? i sure as hell am, im tired of wastin my time, you aint gonna stop hating the U.S. you are never gonna except anything but that the U.S. is evil and has evil intentions. i got nothing against you, but you got a vendetta, and i don't care to hear it anymore.
Yeah the U.S. has done some bad things in the past, so what, we aint alone, and we're far from the worst; So we call some prisoners "illegal combatants", so we can hopefully protect out country, and our people, and deter further actions, yeah so our world policy can be viewed as hipocritical if you want to see it that way, that all you got? that aint nothing, look at Saddams record, now tell me we're the bad guys?

thats what i thought.

I think i'm done here.