Thread: I need a math genious

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  1. #1
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    I need a math genious

    Ok im not good with math, but a stunt i am thinking of attempting requires alot of it. I need to find out variables such as:

    How fast do i need to go?

    How high must the jump be?

    At what angle must the jump be?

    Angle of the landing ramp?

    Distance between the two?

    How far off the jump (into the air) must i be?

    How long do i have?

    And so on. Heres the idea. I am going to backflip my four wheeler, i'm dead serious. Before i can build the jump or begin to train, i need to figure these things out.

    What i know is the weight of the bike, the weight of me, etc. I dont know what the wind will be, lets assume it calm for now. Can anyone aid me in the math?

  2. #2


    you don't need a math genius, you need someone to teach you logical thinking!

  3. #3
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    I've heard it. My parents, my girl, my best friends...i been saying i wanted to do this (its never been done successfully) since i started to ride (when i was 4)...its time to do it. I really need help with the math, though.

  4. #4
    Registered User Xei's Avatar
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    You can use basic Momentum & Energy formulas to determine what slope you should use, and including a minimum velocity.The slope of the downward jump(the one you land on) should not be very steep and should be quite long. Otherwise just use common sense, and remember that you do have to keep your speed relatively fast so that you get high enough to do your flip and stay in control. Other than that, I recommend life insurance, a good helmet, and back-protector (I think Dainese makes them?). Good luck.

  5. #5
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    Bike specs:

    I weigh 156lbs, for the record.

    Well i wear a helmet, jersey, pants, gloves, goggles, boots, and a kidney/chest protector at all times. So im not totally moronic. My girlfriend is on the Millville Rescue Squad so there will be a med team on site.

    How would i figure those out?

  6. #6
    mov.w #$1337,D0 Jeremy G's Avatar
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    Ever heard of guess and check?

    heheh. Seriously thats a lot of physics. And I have a few questions for you: What tricks can you do? 180/360? Superman? seriously list the tricks you can do that require lots of physical dexterity. Are you a 'pro', have you been in any circuits? Been in any trick competitions?

    Theres a reason that it isnt done. If your not a professional, there is no reason for you (non professional) to try and accomplish somethhing professionals dare not try.
    (it should be realized my posts are all in a light hearted manner. And should not be taken offense to.)

  7. #7
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    No pro-status, officially anyway. Been riding since i was 4, been racing since i was 12, been jumping since i was 11. I can do superman, candybar, heel click, backbend, lazyboy, and several other of the most common ones. Never seen anyone try a 360 or 180 on a quad, i wouldnt reccomend it.

    I run every circuit in the NJ/PA/DE area that i can, placed 1st 8 times out of, say 30. I'm a little worried about one thing. The kangaroo kid is a professional ATV Freestylist, and he hasnt done this.

    Doesnt mean its impossible, and i intend to prove it.

  8. #8
    C++ Developer XSquared's Avatar
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    Your biggest problem will be getting the backwards rotation needed to get you to turn 360 degrees before you hit the ground.
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  9. #9
    Rambling Man
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    Why don't you go get some opinions from other (exp) riders at an ATV forum? I'm sure you would find the best advice from people who actually can relate to what you're doing. Also, it wouldn't hurt if you got some advice from a physics/science teacher at your school, either. Well, good luck and if we don't see you post here anymore after your jump we'll know it if worked or not.

  10. #10
    Quietly Lurking
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    Here is the equation you need

    where X is displacement, A is acceleration, T is time, and V is your Intial velocity.

    and X=VT
    Distance equals velocity times Time.

    Figure out how long you will be in the air by using acceleration due to gravity, an X of zero, and the velocity in the up axis, cos(Angle of Ramp). Once you have the time figure out your distance by taking your horizontal velocity, sin(Angle of Ramp) and multiply by the time. The steeper the ramp the higher in the air you will go but you won't have much horizontal speed. To maximize horizontal distance you want a 45 degree angle. Other than the physics I can't help, no experiance with such stupid stuns
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  11. #11
    It's full of stars adrianxw's Avatar
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    What you actually need is a good crew in the car with you, I think OSR would be ideal, and of course, Dean knows all about 4wd vehicles.

    How many seats does this thing have?
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  12. #12
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    Every other ATV rider says its impossible, i say thats crap. Thanks for the equations, and as tech mentioned im going to try and talk to the physics teacher today.

    You misunderstand adrian, its not a four-wheel drive truck or SUV, its a quad. Follow that link i posted and have a looksy.

  13. #13
    Rambling Man
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    I wouldn't say that it's impossible; I just wouldn't say it's likely you are going to be the one to accomplish it. It seems like it would take a least a few tries to finally get it right, but realistically you only have one chance to get either right or wrong (you getting injured). It's going to require you have perfect timing in all phases of the jump and accomplishing something like that on your first try seems difficult. But hey I hope you prove me wrong and you do it, or you decide not to do it at all.

  14. #14
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    I promised Stef that i wouldnt leave that jump until i was as sure as i could be, and i also hope your wrong tech hehe. I spoke with the physics teacher, hes going to come here on saturday and work this out with me.

    Once all the forumlas and such are figured out by us, i'm going to write a program that allows me to input different variables for everything so that i can account for current conditions such as weight, wind, etc.

    Stefanie looked this up, and the #1 rankes ATV freestyle rider has been critically injured 37 times in his attempts to do this, but hes using a Banshee. The blaster might make all the difference.

    I wont back out, and i've been known to break bones, heal, and try again. I see no reason why this is any different, and i intend to go at it with everything i have.

    Life is an adventure, none of us are getting out alive anyway. I've been called dumb (among others) MANY times over this; It just pushes me farther. I wouldnt back out unless it came between me and Stef, but it wont. Shes been through alot with my dumbass. If you think im bad here, try being the one to worry about me 24 hours a day, why shes still here is beyond me!

  15. #15
    Registered User Xei's Avatar
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    I've been thinking, and I think:
    I wouldn't do it. Have you ever made a decision that you know was stupid from teh beginning? Even if you accomplished what you wanted to? This is one of those decisions RoD. Accomplishing it isn't gonna change your life, but failing it will. I just recommend staying as a successful wheeler (or whatever you are). You see if you don't try it, then everything stays the same, you remain safe, and life goes on. But think about this, if you fail you will likely minimally get paralysed from the waist down(and thats if your lucky); Also, if you do get permanently injured and maleformed do you think that Stef would stay with you?(That is your girlfriend isn't it?). Just give it a thought, there is a lot to lose.

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