You know I guess I was getting a big head and could use a little humbling but this is nerve racking........

So here I am, lead developer for 5 proprietary software suites used on all of our vessels and offices worldwide. And the day that we spearhead a major upgrade to our Viper software (our ships' management system) our new VP calls and asks me to come to his office.
"Hey, we've got this budget meeting on Monday and I've got to present the quarterly breakdown of revenue by vessel to the board. I just emailed you the spreadsheet with the data. I need this charted out for tomorrow."

Can't say no to a VP. So I either delegate out the stuff I was working on or just put it on hold and in 30 minutes I've got a sheet of pretty colored pie-charts to show him.
"Nah. I'm not liking the pie charts anymore. See what else you can do."

Back to the drawing board. 4 charts later he's finally picked a chart style he likes and now we're in the process of perpertual tweaking.

2 days lost on making charts for a meeting that I'm not even remotely involved in. At least our VP is cool about it.
And I guess it could be worse. Could've been "Hey we've got some customers coming to tour the office and the janitor is sick. Can you go clean the stalls in the restroom and wax the floor? They'll be here in 20 minutes. Thanks."

Well, back to my charts.......