Thread: Germany is trying to block GOOGLE!!

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  1. #1

    Germany is trying to block GOOGLE!!

    Is Germany a free country?? I don't think so, they have bans against too many things to be FREE...

    U whine about IRAQ when u r repressing and limiting the freedoms of your own - the german govt. reminds me an awful lot of the NAZI regime, they too limited the freedoms of germans for the "Good of the german ppl"

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  2. #2
    Guest Sebastiani's Avatar
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    Rod , come on, is this some kind of scheme to nitpick Germany for backing Iraq? Honestly, have you ever been there? Anyway, I disagree - obviously. No wonder Europeans brand us as blind sheep, with such slogans and simplistic explanations. If you have a real argument, then please put one forward...
    #include <cmath>
    #include <complex>
    bool euler_flip(bool value)
        return std::pow
            std::complex<float>(0, 1) 
            * std::complex<float>(std::atan(1.0)
            *(1 << (value + 2)))
        ).real() < 0;

  3. #3
    Refugee face_master's Avatar
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    hey after seeing all these videos on WWII in history makes me not like those axis dudes. but they're different now. but I dont like it how Japan just didn't tell their children about WWII + Japan's involvment. Now THATS censorship!

  4. #4
    cereal killer dP munky's Avatar
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    didnt china already block google?
    guns dont kill people, abortion clinics kill people.

  5. #5
    Nope, this is as REAL as it gets... they have already blocked a few and even recently blocked an american website - I mean blocked the whole URL even though the site is owned by and hosted by an american.

    the opposition page is -
    The German Government has shut down through, is currently being hosted on

    "The domain is registered on your behalf at JOKER / CSL / CORE
    We got an legal order to disable the domain []
    We will "freeze" the status of that domain, so nobody can change
    anything related to that domain. To have the domain activated again you will have to start a legal case against the government in germany." is owned by an American, therefore the american first amendment of free speech applies so there's no legal reason to ban the domainname, we'll fight against this. Our host 100% supports us. The temporary email address of #### is
    //A thread post about this subject by a german
    censorship in germany - I hate my country (almost)

    Hey peeps,

    donīt u think most germans want this ****g censorship.
    germany is a federal country, and one of our 16 states has a sucker , bussow his name, who wants a "clean internet".clean made of just his choice. heīs trying to censor everything with porn, violance .......

    The Net community does NOT want this ..........*hole, some fight him (me too)

    Sad but true, one ..........*hole can stop websites in this state called "nordrhein-westfalen"

    Today itīs porn and violence, tomorrow...who knows?
    1939 it began like this, but this time thereīs resistance.

    belive me... we fight him back
    one website organizes this fight :

    belive me - THIS is not the german peoples wish, this is ONE f****g NAZI-like guy and most of us donīt want this.

    Iīm ashamed of this, until these days I thought I live in a free land but more and more I hate my country.

    Ok guys just a short statement, if my english would be better, i told u how this could happen.
    but its more than 17 years ago since I had my last english lesson in school.
    so excuse my bad english.


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  6. #6
    Guest Sebastiani's Avatar
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    Well, this is probably for the fact that up to this point *anything goes*. For instance, did you know that U.S. children can access almost any site from a public library? Doesn't this worry you? So what's so bad about keeping a lid on all that? Anyway, if we aren't careful, the same could happen here, too.
    #include <cmath>
    #include <complex>
    bool euler_flip(bool value)
        return std::pow
            std::complex<float>(0, 1) 
            * std::complex<float>(std::atan(1.0)
            *(1 << (value + 2)))
        ).real() < 0;

  7. #7
    cereal killer dP munky's Avatar
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    why should accessing any web site be a problem?!?
    guns dont kill people, abortion clinics kill people.

  8. #8
    train spotter
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    nvoight>>Showing symbols of Hitlers idealogy is forbidden. Actually, there is a law that allows the police to confiscate anything they think might serve someone as a Nazi symbol. If they see you with a football and this football might repesent some Nazi stuff to you, any policeman can destroy it. Pretty weird passing a law that allows policemen to guess what you think about items. But I have never seen it enforced without reason anyway.<<

    >>even recently blocked an american website
    The sites blocked are for white supremacy sites. ie those having images prohibited in Germany.

    While I do not agree with censorship, I do not want children seeing these sites.
    In any of the other pages linked to that one could I find google mentioned.
    Was google only going to be censored as it had a cache of these sites?

    The US ambasidor is currently trying to censor an Australian politician by telling the leader of the opposition what he can and can not say in the Australian parlement.

    >>I mean blocked the whole URL even though the site is owned by and hosted by an american.
    Why? because it had images on it that are illegal in Germany.
    Why is it an issue, because the site is covered by only US law?
    And how does that concur with the US media giants taking Kazza, a Vanautu registered company, to court using US laws?
    You can't have it both ways.
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  9. #9
    Why should ANY site dealing with any content be censored unless blatanly illegal in the case of child porn, but anything else even the most racist sites?

    >>Why? because it had images on it that are illegal in Germany.
    I don't even care about what goes on germany, they can censor anything they wish to their loss in my opinion but this time it affects an american website - the german govt. without warning or an appeal process has shutdown a TOPLEVEL domain just as if they found a reason to disable if this german prosecutor found it disatisfying. This is about much more than a site but about freedom and censorship - the article states that there is a list of 6,000 sites that will be CENSORED or shutdown by the german govt. The issue goes to Sub domains even if Cprogramming hosted a sub domain that was offensive to a country that country to shutdown the entire top domain for the content in one section.

    >>And how does that concur with the US media giants taking Kazza, a Vanautu registered company, to court using US laws?
    It doesn't have any correlation, it's not the US govt. trying to shutdown kazzaa - and those suing can't ERASE an entire DOMAIN.

    >>In any of the other pages linked to that one could I find google mentioned.
    Was google only going to be censored as it had a cache of these sites?
    GOOGLE is mentioned in one line near the begining and it easy to miss - there is a link to what I assume is a detailed explanation of why exactly they wish to BLOCK google but it's in german and my german aint so good.

    I have links to NEWS stories about this subject but I feel they may taint the point trying to be made as they specifically cover the site in question... but they make excellent points within the articles about the stupidity of this censorship... if u want the links let me know.

    My point is while germans are in the streets protesting against the US president and POLICIES they have something far more sinister brewing in there own backyards and it's something that affects more than germans.
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  10. #10
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    Oh well, I'm not German. Move to a different state. Federal govts are retarded.

  11. #11
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    Originally posted by dP munky
    didnt china already block google?
    Yes, but it was lifted.

  12. #12
    the hat of redundancy hat nvoigt's Avatar
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    the german govt. reminds me an awful lot of the NAZI regime,
    Do you even know the name of our head of state ? I guess you don't. Have you seen the sites that ought to be blocked ? NAZI sites ! I think it's a shame your country is hosting them under the cloak of free speech. Don't pull that Nazi stuff on me. Look at that site Germany tries to block. That are Nazis and America is protecting them. And harboring terrorists is as bad as being one. Your words. Why do you allow those people to spread their hate ? Would you allow Osama to spread his hate ? Why not ? Why is it you ban sites of someone murdering 5 thousand people while you think it's freedom of speech to glorify someone who killed millions ?

    I don't like the block and it' easy to circumvent anyway, but it's perfectly legal, because those sites are illegal here. We don't order you to remove them, we just don't allow providers to grant access to illegal stuff. Both american providers did not react to requests to take those hate-sites off the net. Obviously $$$ is more important than humanity.

    I am against the block. I did not vote for the guy who ordered it, and I will vote for anyone who promises to lift it. But I am also against those sites. None of those involved, neither American providers nor German Governments act the way they should.

    Why should ANY site dealing with any content be censored unless blatanly illegal in the case of child porn
    So child porn is somehow more illegal than massmurder ?

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  13. #13
    Funniest man in this seat minesweeper's Avatar
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    All governments do this. Our very own Prince Charles was told to stay out of America when he was last due to visit. Bush didn't even conceal the reason, being that he felt Charles' anti-war views were not appropriate and he would therefore be unwelcome. Charles has no power in our country, people who listen to him do so because they want to.

  14. #14
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    559 is owned by an American, therefore the american first amendment of free speech applies so there's no legal reason to ban the domainname, we'll fight against this
    The US first amendment does not apply in Germany, or any country except the US. And I'm not so sure about the US....
    Truth is a malleable commodity - Dick Cheney

  15. #15
    Seven years? civix's Avatar
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    I always knew them Germans was gunna be twubble after WWII.

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