For my swim team, we always bleach our hair at the end of the season. It stays bleached for about 5 days, then on the sixth day we give ourselves freaky looking hair cuts like mohawks (spelling?) and other crazy things, which is for 1 school day. Then that night we shave our heads.

Anyhow, I don't want to spend money at walmart to buy one of those bleaching kits. I've searched extensively on google for homemade hair bleach solution instructions, but came up with nothing.

I'm thinking of just taking some hydrogen peroxide and putting it straight into my hair.

Does anyone know of good ways to bleach your hair using a homemade solution? It doesn't have to look stylish or anything like that, it's only for 5 days. I just don't want to mess my scalp up or anything by putting bad chemicals in my hair....
