I just watched the 20/20 two-hour interview...

...I don't think he's that wierd. People are way too hard on him.
So he likes kids. So what? So he sleeps with them (really sleeps.
Nothing sexual). I don't see anything wrong with that, either.
Strange? Yeah. But definitely not evil. Besides, if it meant I'd get
access to his game room -- I'd probably sleep with him, too.

Oh, and about that molestation incident. That story was obviously
made up. I can't believe any parent would allow a person who
supposedly molested their child to remain free for a settlement
of cash. If any parent would take money over the prosecution
of a person who molested their child -- that parent's just a pimp.

And that baby-dangling incident. Poor judgement, but nothing
happened. I can't agree with anybody who thinks he should
have his children taken away.