Imagine you only have one more week to live... What would you
do? And don't say anything stupid, either. Keep it realistic. Let's
say you only have $500, so "traveling the world" is pretty much
out of the question (besides, by the time you got anywhere
interesting, you'd already be dead).

Also, you still have bills to pay. Rent, Car Payment, Internet,
etc. All of those are due tomorrow. Would you do the moral thing
and pay them, or would you just forget about them all together?

Oh, and it's the middle of winter. Snow everywhere. No chance
of doing anything 'extreme' that you've always wanted to do.
Like Skydiiving, or Surfing, or any other Hippie-sport.

Would you tell anybody? What would your last meal be?

One more thing. Let's not say that your death is 100% going to
happen. No, only... um.... 90%. You may still live, and if you do,
you're going to have to live with all the decisions you made when
you thought you were going to die. So if you quit your job, and
you end up not dying -- you're screwed. Hehehe.