Thread: Prophets?

  1. #16
    When it happens to me it's EXACTLY the same. Like when I was like 10 years old I had a dream of walking through a kitchen into a living room. When we moved into our new house I walked into the living room from the kitchen and it looked EXACTLY the same. I walked the same, looked at the same spot, and the environment was the same. Since then I have been having these dreams.

  2. #17
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by Nick
    At least 4 times.
    Since I don't get much sleep I don't dream much (:
    1. One time I saw myself get into a car accident.
    2. This is more of a deja-vu experience. Last thanksgiving we were having the huge god fight and I thought how terrible it would be to have a discussion about god. So for thanksgiving about 15 of us are sat down on this huge table. And somehow the discussion turns to women rights in arabia. So the mother of one of the girls stands up and gives her interpretation of genesis. It's a little to graphic here but it hinged on the idea that the snake was a certain male body part.
    3 words.... COINCIDENT (probably spelled wring )

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