This actually happened folks. I kid you not. As many of you may know, last year, I was part accidental arson thing that happened in May. Now, keep in mind, we DID NOT want that to happen, infact, we tried our best to stop it. But, after we realized we couldn't stop it, we had to evacuate the house immediately to save ourselves, and try to escape from the cops that were sure to be there within minutes.

Here's the funny part: I was the last to flee the house, or so I thought. When I went outside, and was getting ready to get outta there on my bike, I saw my brother. We were taking off when I saw him turn around and go back into the house! He had forgot his Mountain Dew!

Then later (while still fleeing the cops), he dropped his Mountain Dew while riding his bike. I told him "Just leave it there, you idiot! It's not worth it!" He rode back to the place in which he dropped it, and picked up the Mountain Dew once more (which was making him ride his bike slower also, due to the fact he could only steer with one hand)

Now: Is that a great idea for a Mountain Dew commercial, or what? It's so good, that my brother went back into a BURNING BUILDING for it! Hahaha!