How many of you played Pokemon when it was popular? I used to huge on playing Pokemon; it was so fun. I would usually play it late at night when I spent the night over at my friend's house. One time I had a battle where it came down to a coin toss on who would win the game (literally). It landed on the wrong side, because I lost the game. But that's ok, because it was a classic game. Do any of you still play it?

A couple weeks ago I was going through my friend's junk in his closet, and I found some Pokemon cards. **I didn't know this friend back when I played but now he is my best friend** So I started to say how we should play again sometime. Hey, most of the time there's nothing better to do. A couple days later in class I was talking about it, and people were saying I was making a fool of myself. However, I don't care, because I'm comfortable enough with myself to not care what other people think. Then I started to say people's name in a Pokemon tone of voice. Such as this one kid's name is Andrew Darr, and I was saying Darmmander Darrmander Darrmander (it was hilarious). Also, there was Claychop Claychop, Scottle Scottle, Jennachu Jennachu, and many many others.

Yup, I'm in a really talkative mood right now, and I can pretty much go on and on about anything lol. However, I still want people to answer the original question. Thank ya.