I'm so sad. This is the last night I'll have this computer. This may be the last time I'll get to talk to you guys *a tear drops*. I don't know what I'll do without my compiler or AIM. I don't think I can live without this computer. I've been spending hours each day on it meeting new friends, talking to girls, and most importantly, learning a ton about programming. *sigh* Now I'm going to tell you why I must part with this computer after tonight.

This past semester, I had AP U.S. History. When I signed up for it, a teacher told me that it was going to be an internet course, but I figured that wouldn't be a problem. I was wrong. Because it was an AP course, I was expected to do quite a bit of work at home. This was a problem for me, as I didn't have a computer.

My high school recieved a grant a few years ago to buy some laptops. Students may sign them out for word processing, but must return them the next morning even if they were going to use them again the next night. I did this regularly to work on papers and such.

My principal, Mr. Gettle, decided unilaterally to make AP U.S. History an internet course. The Social Studies Deptartment did not recommend this; neither did the Guidance Department. He wanted this little expiriment of his to succeed—his pilot project as he called it. So, he broke the rules of the grant and allowed me to use a laptop for the duration of the online course, and for a semester, I was okay. I got a B in the History course although I absolutely hated that it was online without a teacher.

Unfortunately, however, that course is over, and the school now wants its laptop back. I tried talking to the principal and the librarian (she is the keeper of the laptops) to see if another exception could be made for me. As some of you might already know, I've been learning an incredible amount about programming thanks to this laptop. I've been programming as a hobby and also recieving and giving help on this board. I've become better than anyone else in my class. I'm seriously considering computer science as a major and a career.

However, this means nothing to the school. Mr. Gettle told me that the only way I could keep this laptop was if it was part of a course I was taking. The evil librarian (and she's evil for more than just this) said that she needs to let other students use the laptop.

I don't see how this is fair. This may sound elitist, but so be it. Other kids only use their laptops for word processing; that's it. They're only completing assignments for their general level English courses. I have and could continue to gain much more educationally than other student who uses the laptops. I am actually going to make something of myself by using this. No other student can claim that. I think it's obvious that I need this laptop more than any other student.

Despite all of that, the school just doesn't care. The verdict has been handed down that I must return this laptop tomorrow morning. I don't know how long I'll be without a computer. Hopefully, I'll be able to get one soon. I've talked to my dad about getting me a cheap one at Staples for around $500, but I can't be sure. So, it may be quite a while till I talk to you guys again. Thank you for all that you have done for me. I hope this isn't good bye forever.