I have 20 channels and I guess I could find you a documentary on WWII any day after 20:00. Hitler's Generals, Hitler's Women, Hitler's Henchmen, Stalingrad, Submarine Warfare, Africa, Rommel and so on. Same for the war in the Pacific.
Same here... except it's only a few channels. It's a deciding moment in history.

In Germany, in contrast to America, every man or woman old enough has participated in the war in one way or the other.
I guess America is lucky to have learned the lesson about devastating war in Vietnam without actually fighting on our ground.

Every German exchange student or German I have listened to has condemned Hitler. (When the subject was brought up, not out of the blue.) I'm sure there are still nazi sympathizers, but they're few and far between.

Showing symbols of Hitlers idealogy is forbidden. Actually, there is a law that allows the police to confiscate anything they think might serve someone as a Nazi symbol.
I don't really agree with these laws. There's no need to supress free speech to root out nazism, not anymore.

That's because the Japanese were very bad at telling time. They had arranged for their ambassador to Washington to deliver their declaration of war at the precise time the attack was beginning, but somehow the letter wasn't delivered until after the attack had started. Not sure how late they were but I'm sure it's searchable on Google.
I thought it was on purpose... a delay tactic.