Thread: Music Piracy is Good?

  1. #1
    Code Monkey Davros's Avatar
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    Question Music Piracy is Good?

    Thought this may interest some people.

    "Singer Robbie Williams has said he believes music piracy is a "great" idea."

    I'm not saying piracy is good, I'm simply saying this may interest some people.
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  2. #2
    Refugee face_master's Avatar
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    yeh you can download a full album in 70 ~ 100 megs. Even on 56k, its better than paying AU$30 for it (US$15).

    Doesn't matter what they introduce to stop it, there'll be some geek like us who breaks it.

    Oh and Robbie has nothing to lose cause hes already signed a deal for millions of dollars. He said that he was now "above the law" on TV. Hes a dickhead.

    // edit
    Being able to get software/music/games for free (not just single mp3s from p2p progs) is what seperates the geeks from the non-geeks.
    Last edited by face_master; 01-20-2003 at 04:55 AM.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Even if i would have the money to buy albums i wouldnt anyway,
    usually because i only like one certain song on an album,and to
    buy the entire thing for

  4. #4
    Just a Member ammar's Avatar
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    It's better to listen to an album before buying it,
    If you like it then you buy it, so you don't spend your money on something that you will listen to it once, then put it away.

  5. #5
    I have loads of mp3s despite my 56k connection, it doesnt mean that I would have loads of cds if I had to buy them all. I would possibly have bought maybe 10% of the songs which I now have, if that!! They've lost nothing from me, as they would never have had my money anyways

  6. #6
    Rambling Man
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    I download a ton of music, but I still do buy quite a few cds. Most of the music I listen to is "underground", so it's hard to find some of the cds in stores. If I weren't able to download most of my music I wouldn't have bought any cds hardly at all.

  7. #7
    Registered User codingmaster's Avatar
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    It's better than paying money.
    It's better to pay for his connection to the net, than buying an album for 20$
    And u can get the whole music, u wanna have....

    And Robby Williams is crazy, he's always telling ****.

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    I wonder how long it is until this thread is closed.


  9. #9
    Just because ygfperson's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Brian
    I wonder how long it is until this thread is closed.

    I see no reason to yet. This is all stuff everyone already knows about.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I download mp3's. While I only have less than 100 on this specific hard drive(the only drive I actually have mp3's on), I will say that I've burnt a good 20-30 cd's worth. That's nothing compared to some people, I know. However, I like to purchase me cds because the mp3 format in itself is flawed and sucks. Afterall, who here trades digitaly perfect wav rips of cd tracks? 45mb for a 4 and a half minute song? Highly unlikely to have thousands of songs in that format floating around on people's hard drives.

    Wav files are good, mp3's suck. MP3's cut the frequencies which aren't used, and for people like me, or atleast myself, who have stereo systems that can make alarm clocks slide around WITHOUT using a subwoofer - I want to be amplifying a perfect, and accurate - true to the original sound source. I'll stick to cd's.

    I also like the booklet, packaging, and the non-risk of a ..........ed up wav rip(done by some moron who doesn't know jack about computers or audio).

    On my computer...most of my mp3's are by the underground band ICP. Maybe 5 of the ICP mp3's I have are from cd's that I don't own. Otherwise, I own 15 of their cds. That's nothing though, since they have close to 50 or something. Check if you're interested.

    The rest, are things that would be tricky to get on a cd designed for just a cd player. I have a THX Jurrasic Park sound check, 2 power ranger themes...and ugh, a bunch of themes. Maybe 10 songs I don't already own on cds..

    01/11/2003  06:32 AM         3,394,247 20 Fingers - Mr Personality.mp3
    01/11/2003  06:29 AM         3,266,351 Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian.mp3
    01/11/2003  01:28 AM         2,121,776 Beastie Boys - Girls.mp3
    01/09/2003  06:42 PM         2,432,522 DJ Chip Man - Peanut Butter Jelly Time.mp3
    01/11/2003  01:54 AM         3,326,119 Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf.mp3
    01/11/2003  01:55 AM         4,537,377 Genesis - Land Of Confusion.mp3
    01/11/2003  03:50 AM         1,630,962 Hoedown - 100th Episode.mp3
    01/11/2003  03:27 AM         1,396,368 Hoedown - Bachelor Party.mp3
    01/11/2003  03:06 AM         1,922,194 Hoedown - Baldness.mp3
    01/11/2003  03:00 AM         1,439,997 Hoedown - Beach.mp3
    01/11/2003  03:13 AM         1,667,657 Hoedown - Family Reunion.mp3
    01/02/2002  04:04 AM         1,584,065 Hoedown - Gambling.mp3
    01/16/2003  04:31 PM         1,125,564 Hoedown - Melissa.mp3
    01/11/2003  03:18 AM         1,536,128 Hoedown - Scary Wife.mp3
    01/11/2003  03:24 AM         1,450,864 Hoedown - Village People.mp3
    01/11/2003  01:35 AM         8,974,385 ICP - Amy's In The Attic.MP3
    01/11/2003  01:12 AM         4,039,703 ICP - Another Love Song.mp3
    01/11/2003  02:14 AM         2,641,920 ICP - Assasins(live from Woodstock 99).mp3
    01/11/2003  01:16 AM         5,063,198 ICP - Assasins.mp3
    01/11/2003  01:06 AM         5,597,984 ICP - Mad Professor.mp3
    01/11/2003  02:12 AM         4,535,694 ICP - Mr Happy.mp3
    02/26/2001  12:53 PM         3,715,445 ICP - My Axe.MP3
    01/11/2003  01:21 AM         5,908,688 ICP - Nothings Left.mp3
    01/11/2003  01:15 AM         4,139,851 ICP - Play With Me.mp3
    01/11/2003  01:44 AM         5,295,298 ICP - Prom Queen.mp3
    01/10/2003  07:03 PM         3,578,694 ICP - Simple And Blunt.mp3
    01/11/2003  01:16 AM         4,165,602 ICP - Terrible.mp3
    01/11/2003  01:52 AM         4,477,488 ICP - The Amazing Maze.mp3
    01/11/2003  01:34 AM         4,287,553 ICP - Toxic Love.mp3
    01/10/2003  07:09 PM        10,975,318 ICP - Unveiling.mp3
    01/11/2003  06:42 AM         2,293,791 Mad TV - I'm The Only Gay Eskimo.mp3
    01/10/2003  07:25 PM         4,397,104 Marilyn Manson - Apple Of Sodom Live.mp3
    01/10/2003  07:13 PM         4,255,484 Marilyn Manson - Apple Of Sodom.mp3
    01/10/2003  07:28 PM         3,237,888 Marilyn Manson - Dogma.mp3
    01/15/2003  03:09 PM         3,556,414 Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People.mp3
    01/20/2003  05:27 PM                 0 output.txt
    01/10/2003  10:52 PM         4,062,145 RedNex - Cotten Eyed Joe.mp3
    01/11/2003  06:16 AM         1,269,760 Theme - Full House.mp3
    01/11/2003  06:34 AM         1,261,305 Theme - Funeral March.mp3
    01/11/2003  06:40 AM         3,571,362 Theme - Fzero.mp3
    01/11/2003  06:45 AM         1,404,843 Theme - HBO.mp3
    01/11/2003  06:24 AM         1,964,252 Theme - Looney Tunes.mp3
    01/09/2003  06:49 PM         1,247,232 Theme - Power Rangers.mp3
    01/09/2003  06:50 PM         3,373,056 Theme - Power Ranges Techno ReMix.mp3
    01/16/2003  09:26 PM         2,643,968 Theme - Tomb Raider Techno ReMix.mp3
    01/11/2003  06:13 AM           984,536 THX - Coca Cola.mp3
    01/11/2003  06:09 AM         1,162,054 THX - Jurasic Park.mp3
    I stick to cds for the quality and accuracy.

    (excuse my long post)
    The world is waiting. I must leave you now.

  11. #11
    Microsoft. Who? MethodMan's Avatar
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    I know some people who have over 5 gigs worth of mp3s. Thats insane, when will anyone have the time to listen to that. Everyone has mp3s, I barely listen to them. I dont usually listen to music besides on my computer, so it would just be a waste for me to buy cds....

    I think it will be really hard for the gov't or anyone to stop p2p music transfers. They crack down on one, and another one appears. I guess well find out in the future what will happen.

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  12. #12
    Mayor of Awesometown Govtcheez's Avatar
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    > I know some people who have over 5 gigs worth of mp3s.

    Hmmm... I've got 8.63... Most of them are my ripped CDs, though

  13. #13
    Registered User Scourfish's Avatar
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    Re: Music Piracy is Good?

    Originally posted by Davros
    Thought this may interest some people.

    I'm not saying piracy is good
    I am

  14. #14
    Registered User Scourfish's Avatar
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    Mar 2002
    >most of my mp3's are by the underground band ICP.

    I hate to break it to you, but the ICP is not underground. Especially since they have signed a record contract and appeared on MTV and professional wrestling, both of which have strond ties with media giant viacom. Check out the PBS documentary, "The merchants of cool":

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    > Especially since they have signed a record contract
    They may not be technically SUPER underground, but they stilla are. By the way, they own their own record label. Yes, they've signed with island, and maybe one or two others..I forget all that crap. That was to spread the cds anyhow..not to make or produce them. Bizzar Bizzar and one or two others I think weren't on psychopathic records.

    > appeared on MTV
    Seldomly. They did one music video for MTV..which was for charoty.

    > and professional wrestling
    They left WWF because they thought they sucked. They left WCW for their music, but liked the way WCW treated them...and now they have their own wrestling organization.

    And, I watched that video and the entire part about ICP. It's accurate...and goes against what you're saying. They're doing anything to stay away from MTV, radio, and all that stuff.

    "I've been down with the clown" since the riddlebox.

    Goto ICP's website and read the Violent J interview, their album stuff, and check out Real Juggalos. ICP is a far cry from eminem.
    The world is waiting. I must leave you now.

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