Have fun if you can, man - good luck.

Compulsory tests? Heh, that reminds me of the ASFAT (heh - ass fat ) test that they try to force all of the highschool Juniors to take here. Not sure if they do it anywhere else...if you score high, it basically means that the military will berate you for 2 years until you hit college....and if they need to draft, you'll be up on the top of their list. Usually it's a tradition that 90% of the junior class skips school the day of the ASFATs, but will all of the heightened military activity I wouldn't doubt there being reprecussions for skipping it now...

Two funny stories about that...

1) My brother's friend Eric never wanted to join the military. It had never crossed his mind, and he'd like to be able to go to straight to college out of highscool. So at about the 20th time a recruiting officer called him, the conversation goes something like this:

Recruiter: "So, Eric, you could be a great asset to the military, as most young men your age would be."
Eric: "Really? That's great, and I'm really interested, but let me be honest for a second - I'm gay. Is that going to be a problem?"

He never got another call. I hope they never repeal the Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell policy...I'm banking on that if we ever get draft-happy

2) My Trig teacher was telling our class this story Friday. One of her students a few years ago, a quiet kid who she said was really nice, scored the highest of anyone on his ASFATs. She said one day she walked over to her class, and saw 3 military personel standing in front of her door. They asked if she was a teacher of the kid (he's put her down as a reference), and after a bit of deliberation she decided it was probably best not to lie, and said yes. Well then they sat her down and questioned her for 45 minutes about her integrity and the integrity of this kid. Now the kid has security clearance like you wouldn't believe...

Oooh, and this girl was telling me how her cousin had written a paper about defensive measures in case of an Iraqui conflict a few years ago. One day she said military personel literally lifted him out a chair blindfolded him, took him to the pentagon (or somewhere else, I can't remember exactly), and told him that they'd pay him for life if he helped them completely analyze his paper and whatnot. Sweet deal if you ask me, but a bit scary about the lifting him out of chair thing.