I was just flipping through my hard drive after downloading vigorously for the past few days, and, I noticed that my hard drive was getting awfully messy.

Normally though, I always, or atleast try to, keep on top of the Windows Registry. I like to check, after say, 1 week, to see if all of the programs I have downloaded then uninstalled removed all of their registry keys from the registry. I also stay on top of msconfig, and disk clean up.

I use Windows Explorer for file management since it's strikingly similar to the old school "File Manager" back from Windows 3.11, which is what I was used to for quite some time. I have everything neatly organized. I have an emulation folder, and from there, it's split up into catagories. NES, SNES, Arcade, etc. I don't do that for music(mp3's) or videos(mpg's) but those DO get their own folder. I have a files folder(text, etc), and it's all neatly organized. I have my start menu, and favorites list, JUST how I want them...

... but after inspecting my hard drive just now, and noticing that I had 1.42 GB of files in the recylcing bin, I thought it was time to clean things up a bit. (I also have quite a few programs to uninstall).

This, made me wonder how tidy, or sloppy some of you keep your hard drives, and operating systems.