
I recently bought a set of educational software concerning science. I installed it, but immediately found that the software has to refer back to the cdrom whenever it needs to load something. THere are many disadvantages. Firstly, time. I'm on laptop, and cd doesn't spin continously, only for a few seconds. So whenever i click something, it has to load from cd, which then i have to wait for the cd to start spinning again! Another major concern is hardware. Spinning the cd and stopping and spinning it again with gaps within seconds doesn't sound very healthy for the comp (i luv.. my comp u know..), at least thats what i think.

So the question is, is there any way i can avoid the software to refer back to the cd? I mean i need something like a "no cd crack", but not exactly that, since it's illegal, but i don't think there would be one for educational software like this anyway.