Okay everybody...lets see how far we can plunge into Quantum Mechanics before we get over our heads! Woohoo!

To start out, I have a couple views/questions/comments/ideas:

Einstein's theory states that as we approach the speed of light, time slows down. So essentially, if we had an endless source of energy, we could stop time by reaching the speed of light. However it would be imposssible to have an endless source because that would require a perpetual motion machine...think it could ever happen? why couldnt it? electrons move at the speed of light...but they behave according to quantum laws...not newtonian laws...but still...its all matter in the end..isnt it?

everything is made up of something.
Atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. P's, N's, and E's are made of quarks. quarks are made up of other things, and those things are made up of other things, etc. Its all recursive. A big endless loop. Everything has to be made up of something...so there really is no smallest piece of matter...

And also, how does something gain mass as it approaches the speed of light? Mass is the measure of how much matter you have...you dont gain matter just by going faster...i might be able to understand a weight change, and weight is affected by gravity, but how could you have a mass change? you dont gain matter as you go faster....

And what is energy composed of? Like I said earlier, everything must be composed of something...so what is energy made up of? Or is energy just a relative term relating to how something reacts, and not really a physical noun composed of matter?

All interesting thoughts...Lets discuss.