Originally posted by Sean
The Bible says that God created man in his own image, and (let's not get into the Adam-God theory here, this is basically for the people who think it is this way) Genesis also implies life on other planets. So when the aliens come, are they going to look just like us? I mean, when the mothership comes down in a crowd of people, and we're all waiting to see little green men appear from out of the steam around the hatch, are we going to be disappointed to see some dude wearing jeans walk out? Wierd...
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard for numerous reasons.

1.) There is NO God. We weren't created by some old guy in a white robe. Anyone that believes God does exist isn't thinking very clearly. It's all a dumb fairy tale, and I get so angry at people stupid enough to fall for this crap. God is like Santa Claus. He doesn't exist. And if he does, I'll believe it when I see him.

2.) Some dude with jeans walking out? "God" didn't make jeans. (Or anything else for that matter) And there ARE other organisms out there, living on other planets. Mars, for example, is capable of supporting some primitive forms of life.

3.) I dont think "aliens" have space ships and "mother ships". Think about what you're saying. Some large, old man in a white robe named "God"? Little green men with jeans? Flying saucers?

The bottom line is that this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. This thread deserves to be closed.