Since I don't have anything to do, might as well share to you guys my last day of independence, it all happened last Friday...

Me: ahhh, what a wonderful day! no work, no school, nothing but me and my bookstore...nothing could possibly go wrong! lalalalalalala!!

Me: (later that morning, on the way to the bookstore) is so good! i'm driving my comfy car, wearing my comfy clothes, walking with my comfy shoes...(**sees bookstore**) ah...i'm in heaven!

Me: (**on my way to computers section, picks up a book and started reading**)
after 1 minute....

Me: (**freak alert, activated! subject approaching in about 10 steps/sec**) thinking: "no he's not gonna bother me, I don't look like a thief"

Freak: "So you like computers?"

Me: "umm....yeah" **thinking: "no Actually, I hate computers, that's why i'm here, you know to just torture myself by looking at books that I truly despise!"**

Freak: "that's cool!" **with his i'm-cool smile**

Me: **thinking: "eeewe!"**

Freak: "me too!"

Me: **thinking: "uh huh"** (**continue reading the book**)


Me:**thinking: "see, he's not gonna bother you again"**

Freak: "have you taken Java?"

Me: "ummm...yeah" **thinking: " lame!"**

Freak: "oh i'm gonna be taking C next quarter"

Me:**thinking: "do I look like I care?????!!!??"**


Me:**thinking: "see, he's not gonna bother you again"**

Freak: "What school do you go to?"

Me: (**still looking at the book**) "I go to [name of school]" **thinking: "grrr...go away!!!"**

Freak: "oh you do?!, how come I don't see you there? I don't go to school there, but I go to [name of school] all the time.

Me: "hah" **thinking: oh what are the odds??? he's so lame!"

Freak: "are you hiding?"

Me: (**smiling sourly**) **thinking: "I am, from freaks like you! sheesh" **


Me:**thinking: "see, he's not gonna bother you again"**

Freak: "what book are you looking for? lemme help you find it"

Me: "Thanks but I'm fine, i'm just browsing" **thinking: "I know how to read weirdo!:**

Freak: (** not saying anything, just looking, oh I meant, staring at what I'm doing**)

Me:**thinking: "I can't take this anymore"** "well, i have to go, have a nice day" (**with an all-teeth-showing-sour smile and a wincing right eye**)

Freak: "you too!" (***did this **)

Me: **thinking: "WHat a freak!, that's fine, I'll walk to the literature section and see if there are any new novels..."** (**tries to put face back into normal, sweet condition**)

after 5 mins....(**sees freak approaching**)

Me:**thinking: "run for your life!"** exits the bookstore grumpy, irritated, mad and sad!

note: he's not even a sales clerk!!! he's just there, looking for someone to irritate!!! grr...

moral lesson for me:
1. next time wear a sign in the forehead that says "Leave me alone"
2. if 1 doesn't work, use sign language
3. if 1 and 2 fails, say "No hablo en Ingles"
4. if all fails...i don't know what else to do...

sorry for this long post...i just have to find something to do before I die in our house...i still have 3 days of being grounded... adios...

posted this at FD, just thought I would share to to you guys as well...