well may be Microsoft is wrong.. But why is that generally people dislike rich companies that are very sucessfully.. is it anger and envy..
This example of group dynamics is what happens with MS. MS is dominant and has a quite aggressive way of marketing. Some people like MS, others don't care about it, but the group you hear most is the group reacting aggressively when they hear or read the word Microsoft.
If you had kept on going with the 'ms is dominant and has a quite aggressive way or marketing' you would have been on the right track with that post. Microsoft software is, in short, a monopoly, meaning most of the world's population that owns a computer uses Microsoft software (90% according to the article), we can all agree on that, that isn't a disputed fact. I'm sure you all already know this, but the real problem with MS (note I didn't use the stupid dollar sign) is what they do and don't incorporate into their software that can make or break other businesses. Ideally there should be free enterprise, where companies can freely produce products and they can compete against each other. Microsoft was only including the oldest versions of Java stinting any possible development Sun might have made with their product

Microsoft had repeatedly broken anti-trust laws by undermining Sun's Java technology and Netscape's Web browser, which together could have evolved into a competitor to its Windows monopoly
The above is bad

Microsoft has developed technology known as .Net that competes with Java. Both programs are designed to let programmers write software that runs on many kinds of operating systems and platforms.

Judge Motz wrote that if Microsoft's system was to remain dominant, "it should be because of .Net's superior qualities, not because Microsoft leveraged its PC monopoly to create market conditions in which it is unfairly advantaged."
This is good, and how it should be. Microsoft should not be dominant because they control the release of products from other companies, they should be dominant becuase they produce the best product for the consumer (which I believe they can).