Thread: Ignorance at its best....

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  1. #1
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    Ignorance at its best....

    As some of you know i don't like 99% of the people in my programming class....i don't think i ever will. Thats kind of why this event makes me SO mad. Its really bad for my blood pressure, heres the story;

    Were sitting in programming class, which is divided into teams based on programming skill/background. Because i am ahead of the class in about every way, and i have worked with so many languages, i lucked out and made it onto the advanced team(lol.). Needless to say we in our group take our work very seriously. One of the team members is the teachers son, so hes on our team, tho i don't feel him worthy of writing a for loop in something as simple as visual basic.

    Anyway were sitting in our teams, and i notice one of the members isn't working with us, hes surfing the net. We program with Visual Studio .NET, which as anyone who has used it knows, there is a start page with a list of recent programs yadda yadda. At the top of this start page is a address bar with a default setting of something like "http://vstudio.htm" or some crap.

    Well this can be used to browse the net inside of VS .NET. Duh. So onto what ........ed me off.

    This kid is surfing the net in VS, so i said "yo whats the deal, your on the team i need you to do something." His reply to me is that he already has done something. When asked what that is he tells me he "re-programmed visual studio."

    THIS should be good!

    He claims to have added the ability to surf the net and uploaded his version to all the computers. After about 10 minutes or arguing with him about how much of an IDIOT he is, i got detention for "verbally doubting the potential of another student."

    Hes so lucky hes her son....

  2. #2
    Registered User adamviper's Avatar
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    what kind of hippie school do you go to that is the stupidst reason for a detetion i have ever heard that is just stupid.

  3. #3
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    That is so retarted. Small community conservatives probably. Verbally doubting the skill of another. Jesus christ(can I say that?)...what the hell is that? They probably slapped a few business, proper-like terms together to create the term to make it sound all fancy. Basically, the guy is a wussy wuss who can't take critism, the teacher and staff jumps in to defend "daddy's little boy", and next thing you know the kid who may be blunt, and gruff, but far more effecient, productive and intelligent, gets the rap.

    OH, but he did do what he said?
    Jimminy crickets, that'd take atleast a week. A couple days of solid coding, and like 3-4 days of testing and removing bugs. Besides, the kid couldn't do it. I hate people like that. They think it's all simple and fast.
    The world is waiting. I must leave you now.

  4. #4
    Registered User adamviper's Avatar
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    or its run by BOB JONES UNIVERSITY. BJU. a SUPER conservative university in SC

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Thats what school is about for the teachers...

    The art of making up the most idiotic reasons for detentions and getting away with it!
    -=Pshycics Predict=-

  6. #6
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    My teacher(a female btw) is known for making up reasons for detentions, i got the ass end of this one. Last week....well it'd be two weeks today, when i got my tattoo, the vice principal of discipline tried to give me aci for HAVING A TATTOO....WTF??!! My school is hell-bent on powertrips, its NUTS. In my school you get automatic drug tests when you put your head down on a desk, u don't even have to go to sleep.

    We have id's we have to wear on our neck.

    We get suspended for more then one lateness.

    We get ACI for wearing jackets(we lack heating BTW).

    We get suspended for wearing belts that are longer then need be because it can be used as a weapon.

    Double sided pens aren't allowed, its a weapon.

    We have to use mesh or clear bookbags.

    We have ASSIGNED seats in LUNCH.

    it goes on, i HATE my school. As for him he couldn't program a for loop if i did it for him.

  7. #7
    Refugee face_master's Avatar
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    I'd like, leave the country if I were you

  8. #8
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    Our school had something about Marylin Manson and ICP(Insane Clown Posse) shirts...and they were thinking about banning them(no kid would wear anything super offensive obviously because that'd be pointless...i mean, come on, school? heh read ROD's post) but anyway, the more so easy going shirts by those 2 bands were being considered for banning at our school, but, they decided not to because of something's like a religion, and well, we wouldn't ban a shirt with jesus on it or something. So, atleast they were good about being hipocrites.

    (Manson = church of satan or whatever that was awhile ago)
    (ICP = [church of the] Dark Carnival)

    We even were allowed baggy pants, um, normal attire. I suppose the girls couldn't get super skimpy, but my school was pretty easy going.

    I feel for ya ROD.
    The world is waiting. I must leave you now.

  9. #9
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    SPEAKING of girls and skimpy, thats ANOTHER thing!

    lmao sorry to rant...

    ANYWAY, girls can't show ANY skin besides arms/head/below the knees, WTF i HATE my school!!

  10. #10
    Microsoft. Who? MethodMan's Avatar
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    I feel sorry for you BMJ. Firstly to be in a class where some guy thinks he is part of Bill Gate's programming team. Who would want to do anything for Mircrosoft.

    And you get detentions and suspensions for the lamest things.

    Your Move:Life is a game, Play it; Life is a challenge, Meet it; Life is an opportunity, capture it.


  11. #11
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    Originally posted by MethodMan
    I feel sorry for you BMJ. Firstly to be in a class where some guy thinks he is part of Bill Gate's programming team. Who would want to do anything for Mircrosoft.

    And you get detentions and suspensions for the lamest things.
    hehe u called me BMJ :P

  12. #12
    Microsoft. Who? MethodMan's Avatar
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    Sorry about that ROD, I was hypnotized after watching that MK video. Its a video for making his cult. I start thinking everyone is BMJ.

    Once again, sorry.hehe

    Your Move:Life is a game, Play it; Life is a challenge, Meet it; Life is an opportunity, capture it.


  13. #13
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    lol don't sweat it i knew what u meant.

  14. #14
    Rambling Man
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    RoD, you're getting screwed out of the best times in life...getting to see high school girls all day long in skimply clothes! You really need to see that this gets changed before you graduate.

    The rules that schools like to put in place are sometimes ridiculous. My junior high said that we couldn't wear hats because it could become a distraction to other students. My high school now says we can't wear hats because it's disrespectful. I told them what if the Pope came in are you going to make him take off his hat too? They said as long as it as a religious purpose. Why is that any school rule can be overrided by a religious purpose? But anyways, that is besides the point.

    Good luck, RoD, trying to survive your miserable sounding school.

  15. #15
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    My last year, thank you god : )

    You know my school said the EXACT thing last year bout hats and religion, course i didn't use the pope thing. So what did i do? I ........ed them off by getting an "I love jesus" Hat and wearing it all day every day.

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