Originally posted by dP munky
i dont understand? what would be the point cloning a person though? 1 of each of us is enough runnin around here!
Cloning isn't exactly making a copy of one person. It's more like one egg twins. Same genetics, true. But as they grow they get more and more different.

Cloning could remove all genetical diseases (alzheimers and such) which is a good thing...
The problem could be in overpopulating the earth .

An imortality thought..

If you clone a human, (or anything else), then introduce the genetic malfunctions which prevent the growth of the brain, (there are several), you have a body, which is not a person, (no brain), that, given sufficient advances in technique, you could transplant the older persons brain into. No rejection worries/drugs. Imortality, just swap bodies every 30/40 years.

Patent applied for!
Hmm, but the brain ages too. It won't last forever...