What are you talking about? Are you saying that by having an open port means you are being spied on? That is foolish...

Any network based application you run opens a port. Is IE or Netscape spyware then?

When you make a web based connection to any of my webservers, I log your activity: your IP address, your browser type, where you came from, etc. I use this information to profile my users to city/state, browser type, time of most traffic, etc.

That is all given to me on your front channel. The IP is given to me because for both TCP and UDP connections you need a return address or I cannot send my data to you.

This is not called spyware... it is called the internet... or for better terminology... a network. (I don't profile individual people by their surfing habits, etc)

Apparently you know little about networks and computer connectivity. I give you three notable experts (Gibson Research, Wired, Project Insomnia) who are very insanely security minded, and you do not believe.

First you say the proof is on the server... then the proof is on my PC!!! And then you talk about a port scan from a computer running a program that opens ports. Ok... that is about pointless. It might mean something if I scanned a Kazaa computer from a remote computer, but do you know what I would expect to find? Open ports for Kazaa transfers... duh!

Perhaps you are talking about packet sniffing? Grabbing all the packets that come into the transport layer and analyzing the data for back channel communications.

Well if you have done this and have substantiated proof, I am sure the world would want to know about it. Not only would it prove all the above security experts wrong, but it would show the evil nature of Kazaa and Kazaa Lite.

It wouldn't be much of a suprise that Kazaa is utilizing spyware (to which they deny) as they bundle a freakin trojan in with their software for that very reason.

But the link that I gave you (that you probably didn't even look at) for project-insomnia tells you how to remove any spyware that even may exist on Kazaa-lite.

Whatever... I am sure I have proved my point to anyone sane.