Thread: "overachiever"

  1. #16
    _B-L-U-E_ Betazep's Avatar
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    >>>because NOTHING you do will ever make a difference.

    You must not have a kid. The outlook changes fast.... believe me. Now everything I do makes a difference whereas I once pretty much believed the opposite. It is all a feeling or state of mind anyway.

  2. #17
    Much older and wiser Fountain's Avatar
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    Originally posted by BMJ
    That's a pretty grim statement

    Of course it is grim...Any one thing you do could make a world wide difference....likeley? Well, maybe....

    Try to have a vision-maybe a new bog roll or something-anything can make a difference to others.
    Such is life.

  3. #18
    PC Fixer-Upper Waldo2k2's Avatar
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    generally i think that term would be most prevalent in high school. Most kids (unless they turn out to be backwater trailor park bums) eventually realize that that "overacheiving" is what gets those individuals the hot jobs, whether it be programming or sports or anything else. I also think the term nerd is overused, your only a nerd if your some skinny little kid with muscle atrophy staring at his computer screen for hours and hours on end with no contact to the outside world. I bet there's not a single one of them among us.
    PHP and XML
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  4. #19
    I lurk
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    Something you do may make a difference in the short run, but after a million years or so? It all depends on how big your achievement was. But eventually the universe will be sucked back into a condensed ball of matter, and another big bang will occour.

  5. #20
    Registered User The Dog's Avatar
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    IMO, there's no such thing as a "nerd". If someone is interested in nothing else but his/her work, then that's just the way they are.

    If someone were interested in baseball, and all he/she does is play baseball the whole day, every day, they won't be seen as nerds, but rather someone who shows a lot of interest in baseball.

    So why is it that if your interests lie in your work, then you are a "nerd"?

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    >So why is it that if your interests lie in your work, then you are
    >a "nerd"?

    Because. Just because. Learn to accept that... It's the way of
    things. You can't argue with the Universe.

    >If someone were interested in baseball, and all he/she does is
    >play baseball the whole day, every day, they won't be seen as
    >nerds, but rather someone who shows a lot of interest in

    No, they'd be seen as Jocks.

    Face it, there are labels for everybody.
    Staying away from General.

  7. #22
    Registered User The Dog's Avatar
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    >> Face it, there are labels for everybody.


  8. #23
    ¡Amo fútbol!
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    Why do you even care? If you don't like something and it isn't important, ignore it. That's my philosophy.

  9. #24
    Registered User
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    Yeah well I date a pretty beautiful girl myself, but I never said nerds or dorks. I said overachievers - and that's who I was trying to get feedback from.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I was called an over achiver in english class today because I was rushing to finish my Vocab when It was not do to Monday
    I shall call egypt the harmless dragon

    -Isaiah 30.7

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