I'd love to get to the master level, but to get over the 2000 hump takes LOTS of study and playing time, time I don't have at the moment! Plus, unless one plays tournaments all the time, rating points increase SOOOOO slowly, especially since I started out so low at 1200. I do love the look on a 2000+'s face when they see that they are losing to me, a lowly 1800 I use ICC extensively though. I love all their features including coverage of the major chess events in the world, have different ratings for standard, blitz, bullet, all the wilds etc, the fact that they kick people out who are abusive or frequent disconnectors, AND have programs set up that check to see if you have a chess playing program running in the background. Of course I get ICC for free, that helps... I've only looked at chess.net briefly, blackwyvern does it come with most of the above?