Thread: losing weight

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    losing weight

    I just thought that scientists, and the medical community should explore the possibilities of encouraging, or tricking your body into making it have a faster metabolism.

    All of the benefits that I can think of would be positive:
    More energy
    less weight
    body burns more of everything
    better mood
    circulatory system, etc. all stay cleaner

    I'm roughly 110 lbs, 5' 6" and have a 26 1/2 inch waist line.
    I always have alot of energy, am generally always in a good energetic, happy mood. You can tell by the tone of my voice. Among other things, I contribute this to having a fast forward metabolism. I think this would benefit, and help people in all sorts of ways who are overweight, so to speak. I think it would be a more natural approach to the human body. IE: incriment and introduce it slowly so the body can adapt, and get up to par with a healthy ratio.

    It would most definately beat anything from Jenny Craig or Slim Fast.
    Share your cons and pros and thoughts of this.
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  2. #2
    You can already do that, eating more food, smaller quantities and more meals. For instance, if you changed your eating habbits from eating 2-3 big meals a day to 8 small meals a day you would naturally increase your metabolism.

    I feel doctors and scientists are at fault for the countries weight issues since they encourage eating less meals and their FOOD PYRAMID is all wrong.

    Cutting out the Carbohydrates and Sugars from your diet will also dramatically increase your fat loss. The theory I subscribe to and makes most sense to me is that the cause of this countries obesity is due to all the carbs and sugars we intake. Sugar(carbs are a sugar) are like ROCKET fuel to our bodies, they burn fast and leave our body craving more. If your body is accustomed to burning Sugars for energy it won't burn the fat already on your body and any fat you intake will just be added to your bodies store of fat.

    Eat FAT to LOSE FAT... Cut out the sodas, bread, pasta, and rice.
    Eat Meat, dairy, Poultry, drink water.

    Get to the gym - It'll make you feel great... I swear.

    I speak from experience with everything I've said. Thanks.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    For instance, if you changed your eating habbits from eating 2-3 big meals a day to 8 small meals a day you would naturally increase your metabolism.
    I will say that I believe this is true. This is how I do it, and I think you hit a good point on that. I am a "grazer". I eat, whenever I feel like it. I don't designate a time for a big consumption of all sorts of foods - I eat throughout the day. Vegetables, fruit drinks, salads, dairy products...I will say though, I like stiry fry and any chinese that is similar...I have moved away from garbage food (candy stuff, chocolate, sweets, and even some forms of food that aren't raw sugar simply because I find them to be too sweet). I mean shoot, I'm too the point where I find chocolate to be too much, and almost disgusting.

    As far as the gym bit, I don't take it to that extreme, but I do enough running, simply out of the blue, along with odd jobs, lifting, and things of this sort for normal activities that help my body keep up the level of energy. I-dunno, I find spending energy to be amusing. *shrug*
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  4. #4
    TransparentMember correlcj's Avatar
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    Does this apply to the married folks too?

    Just kidding!

  5. #5
    Much older and wiser Fountain's Avatar
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    Originally posted by OneStiffRod

    Cutting out the Carbohydrates and Sugars from your diet will also dramatically increase your fat loss. The theory I subscribe to and makes most sense to me is that the cause of this countries obesity is due to all the carbs and sugars we intake. Sugar(carbs are a sugar) are like ROCKET fuel to our bodies, they burn fast and leave our body craving more. If your body is accustomed to burning Sugars for energy it won't burn the fat already on your body and any fat you intake will just be added to your bodies store of fat.

    I speak from experience with everything I've said. Thanks.

    Ummm if anybody takes that in, dont blame the board when you faint.

    A % of carbs do sugar, not all of it. They are not rocket you not know any diabetics?

    Carbs release SLOW gradual sugars and energy. That is why you have cereal or what have you for breakfast. You will manage to concentrate until lunchtime.

    To cut carbs from a diet is skilful,risky,tricky and should be only done by them with a personal dietician.

    I agree with the obesity caused by sugars, but cutting out candyfloss is not the same as cutting out pasta/potatoes/carbs.

    Balanced diet is best.
    Such is life.

  6. #6
    I dont know... I eat whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I feel like it. Seems to be working out for me. Sugar, carbs, whatever (I dont eat meat though. Havent for 8 years or so). I think the "grazing" method is whats important here. Its been proven that smaller meals, more often, is much better for you than a few large ones.

    I dont pay much attention to the latest trends in staying healthy, but I'm always in top shape. Theres no replacement for getting off your arse and moving around a bit.
    "There's always another way"
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  7. #7
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    I didn't eat meat for about 2 years... And there was a span of
    about 6 months that I didn't eat anything that came from animals
    (vegan). I didn't feel any better... (Then again, my diet consisted
    of litte more than Taco Bell bean burritos).

    I eat meat now, but I generally stay away from most red meat.
    I still stay away from some animal products; mainly Gelatin and
    Milk (I'll eat things that contain milk, though. Just won't drink it).

    Speaking of gelatin -- everything contains it! I ate altoids for
    years before I knew that gelatin was in them. I never even
    thought to look. Animal product in a breathmint? That's odd.

    As for Diets, I'd probably prefer the Subway diet.
    Staying away from General.

  8. #8
    Code Monkey Davros's Avatar
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    >I'm roughly 110 lbs, 5' 6" and have a 26 1/2 inch waist line

    Do you have take care when walking over gratings to avoid falling between the gaps? My leg must 26 inches in diameter.

    Send me your address & I'll get my mum to post you some food parcels.

    just kidding!
    Last edited by Davros; 10-19-2002 at 08:27 AM.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    > just kidding!
    Most girls get disgusted by me - I don't have any real excersise routines, yet, maintain this balance, or body size because of something I can't help.

    I'm a Russel Silver Dwarf, and if I remember the studies correctly from the medical center that I went to in our capital, for ways to handle my size, the dwarfism that I am labled with is rare and at the time, they used me as a lab rat, and example for convetions, etc.

    A long time ago, I was said to have been short, and small most of my life, and they could do something about it. Growth Hormone shots - a needle everyday for like 3 years. I contribute my syndrome to my weight, etc. Doctors told my parents I'd never be fat.

    If I were to get to the gym on a regular basis and work out, soley to gain lord, I'd look sweet!
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  10. #10
    Mayor of Awesometown Govtcheez's Avatar
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    > my lord, I'd look sweet!

    Kinda like a baby....

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    > Kinda like a baby....
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  12. #12
    Mayor of Awesometown Govtcheez's Avatar
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    Austin Powers joke... Sorry - we make them all the time here, I just figured everyone would get it... (or think it's funny)

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Oh! I see, sort of confused there for a second..

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  14. #14
    I lurk
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    I was about 5'6, 105 pounds this time 1 year ago... started going to the gym almost everyday, taking protein... NOT drinking pop, eating chocolate or at fast food restaurants etc etc. Plus I eat more than 4 meals a day and i've gained about 40 pounds. I'm trying to gain as much weight as I can, and what's helped me the most? Information.

    I'd guess the same applies to losing weight... just don't start out on a crazy diet until you spend some time reading up on the different ways to can do it. It's a sick industry... there's so many products that promise huge, instant results. I find those with the best information are the non-profit organizations/people.

  15. #15
    Code Monkey Davros's Avatar
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    Well I suppose I'm at the other end of the spectrum. I am 6'3'' and have 42' waist. I'm not fat, just big all over. I have to buy clothes from special shops. I tried to buy a watch recently, but couldn't get one to go around my wrist.

    The worst things are chairs & tables. Chairs are like children's toys to me & I can never get my knees under many tables. Chairs with arm rests - I hate them. Airline seats are the worst.

    Cars! My head is usually against the ceiling. I often have struggle out on my hands & knees.
    OS: Windows XP
    Compilers: MinGW (Code::Blocks), BCB 5

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