Thread: Microsoft with complete control????

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  1. #1
    l'Anziano DavidP's Avatar
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    Question Microsoft with complete control????

    I found this article on a website, read it and then lets discuss what we think of it:

    So what do y'all think of it?

    I dun really seems kind of far fetched. If every piece of software had to be certified, you couldnt even compile a simple "Hello, World!" program without paying...
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  2. #2
    Rambling Man
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    This was already discussed a while back.

  3. #3
    l'Anziano DavidP's Avatar
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    really? i never saw...
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  4. #4
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    i'll keep my old technology, thank you.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    I work on defense contracts and this would not be allowed on any military or government system for security reasons. And I do believe that the US Government is MS largest customer.
    Ed Bowen

  6. #6
    train spotter
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    MS is experimenting with their subscriptions rather than letting users purchase the software. So far three major companies / government agencies in Australia / New Zeland have moved to *nix systems. Telstra, MS's largest cusomer in the southern hemisphere is also looking at moving into Sun's Office stuff and Linux OS's.

    Steve B is making his first visit to Australia ever to try and convince Telstra and others not to change.

    I think this will cause MS to reconsider this Pallidium rubbish as well as their software subscriptions, at least to large corporations. Of course MS might find it would make more profit (even if all these ligit customers leave) if it can force the home user to buy new MS beta releases rather than stealing them.

    I do not think it will stop them developing Pallidium in the hope of more government regulation / terrorist hysteria.
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  7. #7
    Refugee face_master's Avatar
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    At the moment, MS' software is hindering profits by company's. This new system software would make that even more prominent. There would be no real advantage to change to this new thing, it would make people change to Mac OS and *NIX.

  8. #8
    Redundantly Redundant RoD's Avatar
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    maybe i should reconsider my platform i use and program for....

    I don't know, windows or linux , always a tough call for those of us who only know windows....

  9. #9
    that article, while it may not be total BS, because the guy seems to believe its coming out, looks really untrue. if microsoft's in trouble now, they'll be shut down if this is released. come on.
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  10. #10
    pronounced 'fib' FillYourBrain's Avatar
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    after looking at multiple sources, it doesn't look as bad as some gloom and doom types are making it out to be. There are FAQ's out there that debunk a lot of what the articles are saying. I don't have the desire to post links cause I'm too lazy to go back and find them but all I did was search google with: Palladium FAQ
    "You are stupid! You are stupid! Oh, and don't forget, you are STUPID!" - Dexter

  11. #11
    Much older and wiser Fountain's Avatar
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    hehe this is still funny. The name may be legit, but the rest is not. COME on think about it. I shall not go into the reasons why people dont like M/s..even though he does admit that some products are good.

    There are laws against this sort of thing, and if it was legal the voters(pc users) would vote in a new president (any1 who would ban it).

    Intel and AMD dont have a lot to say about it from what I can find, and thats weird as they will be making new chips for every1 in the world. Share price shouldve rocketed up..

    It hasn't by the way
    Such is life.

  12. #12
    Registered User Aran's Avatar
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    voting in a new president doesn't do jack. We'd have to vote in a completely different congress, and that's a tough proposition to say the least.

  13. #13
    train spotter
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    If the multi nationals want it, are willing to pay the politicans 'campaign funds' to get it, will it happen?

    Would it make MS and the hardware manufactures money while saving companies IT security costs?

    Do you think MS software is so insecure because they can't fix it or because they have another motive for not fixing it quickly? (or is it just that most virus engineers hate MS?)
    "Man alone suffers so excruciatingly in the world that he was compelled to invent laughter."
    Friedrich Nietzsche

    "I spent a lot of my money on booze, birds and fast cars......the rest I squandered."
    George Best

    "If you are going through hell....keep going."
    Winston Churchill

  14. #14
    I'm going to just stay with Linux no matter what. I'm not going to pay another penny to Microsoft. It's disgusting how they take advantage of people who don't know about computers.

  15. #15
    look, Palladium is not a joke, its real and its part of the master plan. this is not a joking conspiracy theory its real and happening.

    >At the moment, MS' software is hindering profits by company's. This new system software would make that even more prominent.

    why do you think they involve many many other companies? why involve hardware vendors?

    their no longer singly liable, and it adds support and momentum and takes away conspiracy targeting from the masses who know nothing,
    DRM is bull****, its just and excuse for the RIAA, MPAA, ect... to permanently stomp out all internet competition, which is what they are so afraid of, don't be fooled they couldn't give a **** less about piracy.

    >There would be no real advantage to change to this new thing, it would make people change to Mac OS and *NIX.

    MS runs 90% of computers, Linux, and Mac OS will either be compatible or not be allowed to access 90% of web content!

    nobody's gonna put up two servers, once for paladium and one for conspiracy freaks!

    BTW: if im not mistaken Apple has already told them to f--- off. HORRAYZ FOR APPLE!

    >after looking at multiple sources, it doesn't look as bad as some gloom and doom types are making it out to be.

    ok... in the beginning no, but whats to stop them after its implemented?

    this is not an all at once thing its a slow graduation of "New Features"

    >There are FAQ's out there that debunk a lot of what the articles are saying.

    im sure they do.

    Intel and AMD dont have a lot to say about it from what I can find, and thats weird as they will be making new chips for every1 in the world. Share price shouldve rocketed up..

    whose chips do you use? if they make palladium chips, the masses will use them, also i don't think they will restrict new companies from jumping in.

    >If the multi nationals want it, are willing to pay the politicans 'campaign funds' to get it, will it happen?

    the US is the testing ground, if it works here, the rest of the world will miraculoulsy grow balls and say no, or they will... you know what.

    and judging by the current US Congress(who know absolutly nothing about computing hence the **** hole we already have) there will be little opposition.

    >Do you think MS software is so insecure because they can't fix it or because they have another motive for not fixing it quickly?

    thats a good question.

    >or is it just that most virus engineers hate MS?

    sheer target volume. thats all it comes down to.

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