Thread: Tried as an adult

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  1. #1
    Lead Moderator kermi3's Avatar
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    Tried as an adult

    This is something that ticks me off, so you'll have to excuse me while I rant for a little while. I'm sorry.

    Ok, now I can go....

    It really upsets me to see 12, 13, 14, even 15 or 16 years old children tried as adults. These kids are so young that they still have a lot of growth to do, mentally and physically. Moreover most crimes that children that age are tried for adults in are horrible violent ones. When I child that age, especially the younger span of that group commits a violent act there are serious psychological problems. Rehabilitation is still a very viable option. It is for older people to but that's a diffrent issue.

    But seriously, can you see putting a 13 year old child to death becuase they killed an abusive parent? Or even another child. Yes it is a hanous crime. But is also a massive red flag that something is wrong with that child, and just locking them up doesn't help anyone. All it does is keep our tax dollars supporting them until they are eligible of geriatric parole. That's a lot of money. Besides you are taking all of the years and years of life and potential that a young child like that has and destroying it. Yes that child did something to deserve it, and perhaps he/she was old enough to tell right from wrong, but there was somethign that drove them to do it, but often somethin in their life makes them think they must do something they know is wrong. It is just wrong.

    I guess i should note that I don't believe in death penalty period so...

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  2. #2
    Refugee face_master's Avatar
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    They shouldn't be let off, yet you dont want to punish them to the extreme. How do you come up with a sentence that fits the crime and offender?

  3. #3
    Lead Moderator kermi3's Avatar
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    I'm not saying let the off! But don't lock them away for ever. You put them in rehab programs wher they can get proper psychological help. You allow their record to be swept clean whe they're old enough, assuming they get the psychological ok you release them, not jsut onto the street, but into a "Head Start" program where they get help learning to live in society and to find a job. Not foever but for a year or so.

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  4. #4
    Registered User Aran's Avatar
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    that would be bad because they'd get all the chicks...

  5. #5
    Lead Moderator kermi3's Avatar
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    what? that's the stupid post I've ever seen....i really should delete it...maybe i will.

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  6. #6
    Microsoft. Who? MethodMan's Avatar
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    Im sorry, I dont agree AT ALL. If a gang of 16 year olds plan an attack on someone and kill them (I saw something like this on tv), they should be charged like adults. They commited an offense that would have put an adult in jail, if they commit the same crime, they get the same time.

    Those young adults from tv were deservedly put into jail. I dont care if they have problems, you make one mistake, it haunts you for life. Thats how society is, its hard to believe that they will not strike again, even if they are young, they can grow to be a real killer.

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  7. #7
    Refugee face_master's Avatar
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    yes, I think 14 and under, anyone over 14 should be able to have control over their own actions

  8. #8
    Lead Moderator kermi3's Avatar
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    I'm not saying hands down every case. 16 year old gangs are pushing it. However would you want to put a 12-even 14 or 15 year old away forever? There is something wrong with our society if we let someone that you slip through the cracks to the point that they kill, and destorying them for life isn't the answer.

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  9. #9
    Refugee face_master's Avatar
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    >> There is something wrong with our society if we let someone that you slip through the cracks to the point that they kill, and destorying them for life isn't the answer. <<

    I agree

  10. #10
    Lead Moderator kermi3's Avatar
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    There's also something wrong with pointless one liners....elaborate if you wish...see for questions, or PM me.

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  11. #11
    Refugee face_master's Avatar
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    are you talking bout my last post?
    // heres line #2

  12. #12
    Let 'em ROT in prison for the rest of their life. Anyone who commits a henious crime ought to pay for it with their life.

    I saw a 14-yr old being profiled on a News show, he killed a 6-yr old by beating him and crushing his head in with a rock, he then stabbed and mutilated the body. The excuse was that the 14-yr old was abused and teased at school and took it out on the little boy. He was tried as an adult and FOOLISH ppl cried out that he should be serving time in a mental facility and not in court on murder charges. Justice will be served one way or the other, on the STREET or in the JAILS, if you let this murderer out he will not become a respectible citizen but most likely a drifter who will become a true serial killer.

    Anyone who wants to see what life is really like - it's not the rose coloured glasses view that some of you have. Check out this site, www.*****.*** - you'll see the value of life and why murders should be murdered even if they are young killers.

    Note there was a site listed on this post but it does not in any way meet this sites requirements that all posings on this board be PG-13 therefore it has been removed by Kermi3, the poster may PM me if he has any questions
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  13. #13
    Refugee face_master's Avatar
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    That site must have been made by some really ****ed up people!! Have you seen the multimedia category? I just read the titles and I had to close the site.

  14. #14
    Lead Moderator kermi3's Avatar
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    OneStiffRod you are a fool. First of all for posting a site that blantly disreguards every conduct protocal of this board on a thread posted by the lead moderator. How long did you think that was going to stay up? I suggest you read the announcements and rules for this forum found on the top of every board.

    Secondly for thinking that the actions of a 14 year old child are lucid. Do you remember what it was like to be 14? Everything is seen through strange eyes, and views change instantly. Moreover, as you said that child was abused. Do you think that he understood what he was doing? That was the way he was taught to take out extreme frustration. That was the "Internal Working Model" (if you've taken any psyc) that he developed due to his cirrcumstance and due to those who raised him and he is not yet old enough to seriously evaluate that IWM for himself. He's a child. With proper care and help that IWM can be changed, and he can be rehabbed in many cases. You want to just throw away another life? Society already let this boy get to the point where he took one, do you want to take another?

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  15. #15
    Green Member Cshot's Avatar
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    I think in certain cases you should try to get them in rehab and only release them if they are considered "safe". This is a difficult thing to do. For the younger children you are talking about, I think in some cases there may be hope for them.

    I do believe in trying minors as an adult though. I think the policy has deterred a lot of crime. Kids in the 14-17 year old range do know what's right from wrong. Especially the ones that were coerced by the older group to commit crimes, knowing they can get away with it.
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