Hey i know this program is killer lame i just want opinions on my structure, methods, habits etc. Maybe a better way i could have done something ya know. The comments are pretty explanatory, but i don't think anyone will have trouble figuring this one out.

/*	Steve Billington
	September 26, 2002
	Demonstrates two basic functions to user.

/* Declare preprocessor directives*/
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>

/* Constant used in if/for example initiated to 5*/
const int MAIN_CONST = 5;

/* Constant for first for loop in nest for example*/
const int FIRST_LOOP = 5;

/* Constant for nested loop*/
const int SECOND_LOOP = 3;

int main ()


	/* Declare a character variable to hold users input*/
	char getinput;

	/* Declare double variables for nested for example*/
	double input,final;

	/* As user for a choice of which to demonstrate and store in
	variable "getinput"*/
	cout <<"To see an example of one of the following type the appropriate letter and press enter :"<<endl;

	cout <<"Manipualting input numbers (A) and for Nested for (B): ";

	cin >>getinput;

		/* If statements to decide what example is to be done*/
		if (getinput == 'A') 
			int j;

			for (j=1; j <= MAIN_CONST; ++j)
				cout <<"Enter a number and press enter: ";

				cin >>input;

				cout <<"Input was "<<input;

				final += input;

				cout <<"Final is "<<final;



		if (getinput == 'a')
			int j;

			for (j=1; j <= MAIN_CONST; ++j)
				cout <<"Enter a number and press enter: ";

				cin >>input;

				cout <<"Input was "<<input<<endl;

				final += input;

				cout <<"Final is "<<final<<endl;



		if (getinput == 'B') 
			double output;

			int j2,j3;

			for (j2=1; j2 <=FIRST_LOOP; ++j2)
				for (j3=1; j3 <=SECOND_LOOP; ++j3)
					cout <<j2<<endl;

					cout <<j3<<endl;

					output = j2 * j3;

					cout <<endl;

					cout <<output;

		if (getinput == 'b') 
			double output;

			int j2,j3;

			for (j2=1; j2 <=FIRST_LOOP; ++j2)
				for (j3=1; j3 <=SECOND_LOOP; ++j3)
					cout <<j2<<endl;

					cout <<j3<<endl;

					output = j2 * j3;

					cout <<endl;

					cout <<output;

		/* Make nice amount of room so screen is easily read*/	
		cout <<endl;
		cout <<endl;
		cout <<endl;
		cout <<endl;

		/* Thank the user for trying the program*/
		cout <<"Thanks for useing my program!"<<endl;

		/* Return value for main*/
		return 0;