[QUOTEWhat are you going to do when there is no more planet? When everything is covered in garbage, and all of that toxic waste starts seeping into the ground water? There're only so many acres of Earth.[/QUOTE]

Oh I absolutly agree....I just think the money would be better spen developing new ways to produce things nad better sorts of energy os such things are burned for fuel, recycled, or never produced in the first place. Moreover, there would be just as many problems putting it into space, you make it much more dangerous for satalites, and future space launches, and I'd also like to point out that earth's weather is very delicate, mass trash in orbit would effect weather patterns I bet.

That price you keep quoting is... That's how much it would cost
currenty. Nobody ever said that we're going to start launching
trash into space today. By the time an actual plan is developed,
the cost would go down. NASA is already working on cheaper
ways to launch things into space.

$10,000/pound -> $1,000/pound. That's a big difference.
That price I keep quoting if you read the link i gave to Nasa is only $360/pound.


Are you actually comparing AMTRAK to NASA?

One NASA craft has exploded during launch. That was 20 years
ago. I think NASA has pretty much perfected the process of
getting things into space. And even if it's not perfect, it's still
a chance that's worth taking.
Ok amtrak was a joke .

Now I give you this...and I didn't look hard:

If you actually beleive anyone here is serious about launching all of the world's (or even just the States') garbage into space everyday, then well you're sadly mistaken...I hope.
Absolutly not, but that price I've given is just for one city. It would be much more expensive even if if you just take the toxic waste from the world. Especially since you have tyo be MUCH more careful even thinking about toxic waste!

Ditto. I think the argument that it's too dangerous is rubbish. Sure, it's not perfect but no mode of transporation is perfect. Cars will crash, airplanes will fall, trains will derail, shuttles will explode. No news to me...
You're right all these things happen, however think of this:

Car crashes - maybe 4 people die
Plane's crash - maybe 300 worst case (assuming non-terrorist)
A Spacecraft carrying nuclear waste explodes, or the orbital container leaks:

Raddiation spreads over the entire planet, probobly not concentrated enough to caus radiation poisoning but it would increase rates of cancer I'm sure. Plus there are many other creatures in the world that are much more sensitive to radiation taht we are and that would mess up ecosystems all over the place.

Toxic waste could be just as bad, and you think acid rain is bad? What about strieght up chemical rain? Or radioactive rain?