It seems to me that trolls and such are tolerated very much in this board. Take troll_king for example (no relation whatsoever to me by the way.) He constantly post insulting, offensive, stupid or meaningless comments. What does he add to this community? Humor? I think that people should think of the newbies getting insulted and possibly discouraged from programming in general. He says some actually useful things ocasionally, but most of his posts are useless rants, empty threats, or stupid banter. Look:
Ok. Now how immature was that? For an entire community to simply ignore these immature rantings is quite strange. I once posted 3-5 posts in another forum that was slightly... mean, and I had to work for about a year to earn back the respect of the cummunity, and there are those who still don't like me ( I've seen an amazing level of newbie posts here. Not just posts of people who are just starting out, those are fine, but posts with subjects saying "HELP ME NOW!!!!" or "SOMEBODY DO THIS HOMEWORK PLZZZZ!" The moderators tend to lazily say "Be more specific or something like that. These lazy noobs need to actually ask, not demand. Why doesn't a mod delete the thread? I knew somebody on another board who got banned for 5 days because they said something rude, no cursing or anything. So why do people who not only act rude and stupid not only got ignored, but encouraged and liked? I've not been here THAT long, since the old forums, and I can easily say that I've noticed a rise in spam and flames. Why put up with this useless crap? The moderators need to do their job more.