A while back we discussed having a contest. I believe we should revisit this idea, here are some of the concepts that I have thought about.

C coding compitition, related to most usefull program

C++ ditto

C coding competiton, most intresting program

C++ ditto

C++ competition, best oop techniques

C coding competiton, fastest algorithm

C coding competition smallest usefull program

all programs would be limited by the number of evaluation statements, function calls, arrays, classes, variables, loops, etc . This would work better then the amount of lines of code since....

if ( functionx( z ) == functiony( m ) || (x == 6 && functionz() == 7)

is 3 evaluation statements, and 3 function calls

all programs would be standard ISO C/C++, use of goto will be illegal since we all hate it. The program must be created by you and it must also be created specifically for this competiton.

1. Evaluation statements = switch, if/else, pointer array function calls

2. loops = function recursion, switch loops, while/do while, for.

3. variables do not include constants, or enumerations.

4. infinite mathematicall operations.

5. all C++ programs will use IOstreams, all C programs will use printf etc...

any other ideas?