for example, there was this ad I encountered once that mentioned about how our computers were insecure and then displayed the contents of my main HDD (mine was "C:\").
I was surprised at first glance and then decided it was only using scripts(?) to make the browser display the HDD contents.
I mean this can scare the heck out of those computer users who have no knowledge of this.
how far are they (advertisers) leading this online security issue?
I think they are making this more worse than it was before.

... and some rumors on anti virus software.
whether or not this is true, would you believe that anti virus software companies would create their own computer virii just to have the edge on the competition?

this is crazy. it's like we would soon have to debug every thing before we run it. ....and wasting our HDD space for all the data those security software create.

now let's go do some headhunting (joking).

all comments are welcome.