Thread: (Mods) Flame wars and trolls

  1. #61
    Registered User
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    Jul 2002
    I don't know if this is possible, but with phpBB you can define usergroups. Why don't you (I mean mods or webmaster) make an advanced usergroup and add the mods and some expert members part of that group. this group will be the only one that is able to post on that board and the mods will have to move interesting threads to that board.
    But keep the group select. handpick the members on their qualities. (I can only think of four members who are not mods that I would put in that group)
    I like this idea since you can make some boards invisible to everyone but a choice few. The problems I see are that it would be hard to figure out who's good enough to be let in and are the ones who are good enough in need of answers to questions.

    How about instead of just an expert board, it could also be a design board, and expert discussion. That way the true experts have a release and those not quite expert but who have an idea of what's going on can still ask advanced questions.

    From what I've seen, there are a bunch of members who never ask questions and apparently don't need to, Salem, Sayeh, Quzah, Hammer, Prelude, SilentStrike, Fordy, and Adrianxw come to mind. I can't see an expert board helping them unless it goes past questions and answers.

    On the other hand there are a bunch of members who know enough to do the simple stuff, but still have more difficult problems, they're ideal for this new board since they still have questions, and they also can participate in expert discussions.

    Things like syntax can be considered beginner, but algorithms and data structures and stuff like that would work better in a more advanced board. To keep the newbies out all you have to do is figure out who's good enough and let them see it. If someone answers a good question but isn't allowed into the board maybe the thread can be moved and the poster allowed to see just that thread.

    That's my 2 cents, ignore me if it's stupid.

  2. #62
    Banned Troll_King's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ygfperson
    the webmaster is around for the first time in 4 months. maybe you might want to talk with him?...
    Is the webmaster a male or a female, and what is Kermi3? What the hell is that, some sort of AI robot?

  3. #63
    Dean, you still don't know the gender of the webmaster? I remember you asking this question on the old board (in the Sunlight time period). And again on the new board. Well I'll let you in on a secret: ssstThe webmaster is male

    Who Kermi3 is, I have no idea. Well actually I can make a pretty good guess but I'll keep that one to myself

  4. #64
    Join Date
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    Code Journal is a biweekly programming newsletter jointly run by and AI Horizon. Every newsletter contains four features: responses to three of the most interesting programming-related questions sent to and AI Horizon, an article by Alexander Allain, webmaster of, an article by Eric Suh, webmaster of AI Horizon, and a coding contest.
    I shall call egypt the harmless dragon

    -Isaiah 30.7

  5. #65
    the hat of redundancy hat nvoigt's Avatar
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    >Is the webmaster a male or a female

    Neither. Some thousand years ago, when he was still human and walked the lands, he was perceived as a male. But he betrayed death and returned from the valley of shadows to create this board. Still retaining some sort of humanity and a concept of gender he sacrificed countless virgins in his orgies. But through the millenia he became bored. His iron will bound him to the realm of cprogramming, but his frustration grew. Nothing new to see. Nothing new to do. But then it struck him:

    uhm... unfortunatly I'm not allowed to tell you what happened then, but let me tell you this much: now he craves candle light dinners and pink elephants.

    >and what is Kermi3?

    Kermi is his first Knight. Probably the first knight ever to ride into battle on a pink elephant.

    She was so Blonde, she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice can because it said "Concentrate."

    When in doubt, read the FAQ.
    Then ask a smart question.

  6. #66
    Linguistic Engineer... doubleanti's Avatar
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    haha... sad but true eh Nvoigt?

    >With over 4500 members (I know that not all are regulars or post) I believe that cprog would not only survive the establishment of an 'expert' board but would probably benefit from it too.<

    About that, since it's the topic I'll say that I'm in support of such a board. But we'd have to regulate it and only give access to members who've proven their proficiency. Perhaps an application of sorts or other means would work. Again tho the time constraints of the forum keepers is limited.

    About that, notice that, again as I've repeatedly brought up in the past, tho we have 4.5k members, the fact remains that over 75 percent of our members have fewer than 10 posts. Perhaps more limits on registration should be placed, and I also agree that we should cut that member base by checking if anyone's home to those accounts. Perhaps we can even automate it by sending e-mails/PMs and, without response within a certain time frame, we would delete those left accounts. It's about time I had another say at it, and as such we will be discussing it yet again.

    Thank you for your time.
    hasafraggin shizigishin oppashigger...

  7. #67
    -Save the whales. Collect the whole set.

  8. #68
    Mayor of Awesometown Govtcheez's Avatar
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