Sorry about a java question on a c++ board, but this is the best place I've found to get some answers.

I'm sure the answer won't be much diifferent anyway. lol

I am trying to create a 2 dimensional LinkedList . How do I do this??!!!!!!

Part of my code:

// list is a linked list. I am trying to add
// the required amount of queues to it

for (int w = 0; w < num; w++)
list.add(new LinkedList());

// next, I want to add the elements to
// the first queue and print out the
// results each time.

process = new Process (arrive, service, pid);
finalChange = (Process)list.get(0).get(0);
System.out.println (;

I would have thought that list.get(0) would get me the reference that I needed to access the LinkedList that carries queue #1. The compiler does not seem to like this reference.

Any ideas?