Did anyone see the latest predictions?

More and more people going to Uni, doing IT blah blah.

The studies show that in 10yrs 2 BASIC trades will gain the highest incomes..

Plumbers and electricians...

Know why? Because the current GOOD tradesmen ALL have full order books, but almost NONE have taken on an a apprentice etc for 5 yrs..

Good plumbers are now ageing, and are happy to work on there own.

So...they reckon they will be selecting jobs, whilst charging what they like in years to come.

I myself am very adept at these skills...currently re wiring my house, and have just installed a new bathroom suite.

Can anybody else say the same, or is everyone willing to pay a fortune to replace a leaky pipe?

Ps plumbing is not as easy as it looks-before you answer!