>>Yeah, because everybody who spills something on themselves is an idiot, right?

Hmm... Yes. If you spill, you've goofed up. Emphasis: YOU!!!

>>But it isn't suppose to be so hot that it causes 3rd degree burns when it touches the skin.

But wait... *suspense* It is! I dont know about the rest of the world but I do this really cool thing called _boiling_. Yup, boiling. I wonder how hot _boiling_ water gets... Yes, thats right; Pretty damn hot. 100 degrees C (~210 i think (?) in Farenheight) to be more specific.

>>That's crap. I'm glad she won.

I'm sorry she was ever born. What I dont understand is how she lived long enough to be able to purchase a coffee. Not only are we the only species to protect our stupid, but now we reward their non-existant intelect with money. It doesnt pay to be smart, it pays to be a retard with somebody elses product.