did you know how much money was plunder during the crusades, it may have been blamed on by religion... but look at this saying from the crusades

"Kill a jew save your soul"

now, anybody that goes around saying they are christians, wanting to kill for money, and on top of that wanting to kill a jew, are definitly not following the rules set forth by God and Jesus.

"rue in most cases. I just want to laugh my head off when my mom starts saying stuff about what happened, 'cuz she makes it sound like we're this huge virgin country - all pur and sweet, never committed terrorist acts against another country. Yeh right. But That doesn't mean that we're all like that..hell, and I'm only 15. I mean, I love my country and all, but we're not *totally* innocent. maybe those people who died were (which is what ........es us off most...) but their government wasn't totally without sin. Then again, everyone makes mistakes. We've made ours already (not that we'll never make more ). We've paid dearly. Now the people who forced us to pay are gonna have to answer in triplicate."

you made some very good points, america has done wrong, but we try to make things right... Even if along the way we do more wrong things.

"LOL. Its going to be a long long long long time before the majority of this country develops some intelligence."
opinion has little to do with intelligence, mostly wisdom.

if a nation was Chritian\Jewish or a democracy, I will look upon them for guidance, as they do me. If a country is ran by a tyrant we are not going to feel to happy.

Remember always, that Islam is built of Judaism, and says that Arabs are the superiors. The torah says that Jews have more responsiblity and hardships to endure.

"You guys don't even care about what is going on
outside you little country, until it happens to scratch your own

actually, that is what you would like to believe. I have cared about the happenings in the UN (durban in particular you do know what durban is oh wise man?)

and for one thing, much more happens in america in a single day then any country in europe. America, Japan, UK, Russia, Germany, and China are the worlds most important countrys. I plan on learning Japanese and German in the forseeable future.

did you know I lived on the Navajo Indian reservation for 2 years? I have lived in the equavalent of a third world country. Phones take 6 months to install, no tv whatsoever except 1 channel. Alcohol is illegal, 60% of the population are alcholics. What happened to me there was interesting. My mom was a counselour at the most prestigious school in the Indian reservation. The navajos wanted their own people to teach there, but as most that actually had educations wanted out, the salary for counselours was ridiculous. Anyways, I could drag on... A town of 4000 people is where I lived only 100 or so where not Navajo, when I left the town, 5 White people were dead(they killed their dogs too out of spite) from Navajos wanting white people to stop teaching at the schools. I saw more in those 2 years then you will ever see in your lifetime. I lived in a world that dogs with rabies were a common sight, drug users/alcoholics where more common then the average citizen. I even once saw a car that was right behind my moms get hit by a Cow, the person surived, but if you have ever seen a car run into a cow you wont need to see anything else in your life to be shocked.